Writing and Storytelling | 22 December 2023

How Long Should a Book Chapter Be? (What Authors Need To Know)

portrait-smiling-young-afro-american-man Michael Adams

How long should a book chapter be? How many words should be in a chapter? These are common question first-time writers ask. Think of your chapters as stages in a reader’s journey, each one playing an important role in keeping them interested in the story.

If the chapters are too long, readers will lose interest, and if they are too short, they might not develop interest in the first place. So what can you do? Join us as we discuss the best chapter length and how to keep readers hooked by balancing excitement and satisfaction.

In this blog, we take a look at the average chapter length and the average chapter word count across genres. We’ll share practical tips on how to engage readers by writing the perfect chapter length. Let’s get started!

Does the Average Chapter Length Matter?

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    Have you ever wondered why it matters how long a book chapter is? It shouldn’t matter how many words are in a chapter as long as you are getting your story or point of view across – right? Well, not exactly!

    The right chapter length can keep the reader excited and interested in the story. If your book chapter is the right length, it will keep people hooked. Here are a few ways chapter length affects the reading experience:

    Pacing and Tension: The length of the chapter affects the overall pacing of the story. Shorter chapters move faster, which can be useful for increasing suspense and holding readers’ attention. Longer chapters, on the other hand, can offer a slower pace and more room for character and plot development.

    Reader Engagement: Chapter length plays an important role in reader engagement. The truth of the matter is that attention spans now are more limited. Therefore, shorter chapters may appeal to readers who prefer to consume content in digestible chunks. Well-structured, engaging chapters encourage readers to keep turning the pages.

    Emotional Impact: The length of a chapter can impact the emotional resonance of the story. Short, impactful chapters are generally more suitable for high-stakes moments or climaxes, while longer chapters offer the space needed for emotional depth and reflection. Both long and short chapters are important for impactful storytelling.

    Average Chapter Length: Fiction vs Nonfiction

    Chapter lengths vary according to the genre and sub-genre of the book. Let’s discuss how writers across genres make their stories interesting with different chapter lengths.

    Average Length of a Book


    • Fantasy: 360-480 pages (90,000 to 120,000 words)
    • Romance: 200-360 pages (50,000 to 90,000 words)
    • Horror & Thriller: 280-400 pages (70,000 to 100,000 words)
    • Mysteries & Crime: 320-360 pages (80,000 to 90,000)


    • Memoir & Biography: 320-800 pages (80,000 to 200,000 words)
    • Self-Help: 160-280 pages (40,000 to 70,000 words)
    • Narrative Non-Fiction: 280-400 pages (70,000-110,000 words)



    Romance novels have varying chapter lengths depending upon the emotional intensity of the plot. The literature classic, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, features 2000-3000 average word count per chapter. The chapters have a moderate length and offers a balance between exploring emotional depth and quick story pacing.

    Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell has chapters longer than 6,000 words. The longer average chapter length makes sense for the novel as it is set against the backdrop of the American Civil War and explores complex relationships and historical events.

    Fantasy and Science Fiction

    Epic science fiction and fantasy stories have longer chapters to allow for in-depth world-building. So, how long should a chapter be in a fantasy novel? Well, in Frank Herbert’s Dune, chapters are lengthy, exceeding the average word count per chapter of  5000 words. This allowed the author to build a vast fictional universe and intricate political intrigue that is at the center of the story.

    Similarly, J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring features long chapters, with some exceeding 8,000 words. Tolkien used the longer chapters to introduce diverse cultures, complex narratives, and for extensive world-building.

    Mystery and Thriller

    The mystery and thriller genres commonly use shorter chapters, to keep a brisk pace that keeps the reader interested. A great example is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, which has a lesser average chapter word count of 1,500 to 2,500 words. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson also has short and punchy chapters ranging from 1500 to 2500 words.

    There are exceptions within the mystery/thriller genre that do not follow the short-chapter rule. Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl and Alex Michaelides’ The Silent Patient feature average chapter length exceeding 3000 words. The longer chapters contribute to building psychological depth in the plot’s narrative and exploring the protagonist’s psyche.


    Biography and Memoir

    The length of the chapters in memoirs and biographies can vary. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is a great example of a non-fiction book with short chapters (a few hundred up to 1000 words) that capture the episodic nature of Anne’s life while hiding.

    Biographies tend to have longer chapters than memoirs. In Walter Isaacson’s biography of Steve Jobs chapters vary in length, with some exceeding 4,000 words. The longer chapters cover Jobs’ life and detail his contribution and impact on technology.

    History and Academic Writing

    History and academic books often feature longer chapters to allow for in-depth exploration and analysis. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson is a popular science book with extensive chapters ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 words.

    Long or short, fiction or non-fiction, BookQuill can help you write all lengths and genres of books. Call us at 833-587-7003 to connect with a book expert and start writing your book today!

    Chapter Length Guidelines: How Long Should a Book Chapter Be?

    As discussed earlier, chapter length is highly subjective. It can vary by genre, author, and ebook writing style. This can be confusing especially if you are new to writing or a particular genre. So, how long should a chapter be? Here are a few tips to help you decide the right chapter length for your next book:

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      There Are No Rules

      The reality is that there are no strict rules governing chapter length. There’s no set word limit or page requirement that you must adhere to in order to perfect your book chapters. So, if you’ve been wondering how many words are in a chapter on average or how many pages is a chapter, ease up. Don’t let the average chapter length worry you.

      The fact is, chapters are tools to break down your book’s main idea into smaller, digestible chunks and sub-ideas. Your primary goal when writing a chapter should be to effectively convey your message without losing your reader’s interest.

      A chapter can be as long or as short as necessary, as long as the idea behind it is communicated effectively. When writing a chapter, focus on ensuring that its purpose is fulfilled without being overly concerned about its length.

      It’s Better to Stick to the Average

      If you’re still uncertain about the appropriate length for your chapters, consider sticking to the average chapter length within your genre. Having a general guideline can help your writing process by providing structure and ensuring effective communication without unnecessary rambling.

      Readers typically come to a book with certain expectations. For example, if you’re writing a thriller or mystery, and it takes too long to transition to the next chapter, there’s a risk that readers may lose interest before reaching the end. Therefore, it’s advisable to stick to the genre average unless longer chapters are specifically required for creative expression.

      Chapter Lengths Can Vary

      Every chapter in your book does not have to be the same length. As mentioned earlier, there are no strict rules regarding chapter length. Within the same book, you can include chapters of varying lengths as long as they align with the narrative and convey your message to the reader. It is entirely acceptable for one chapter to be 4000 words and the next to be 1000 words.

      Many famous authors use varying chapter lengths to further the narrative of their book. In the popular romance novel The Fault In Our Stars, chapters gradually shorten as the story moves forward. This isn’t a coincidence but rather a stylistic choice that symbolized the diminishing time Hazel has left with Augustus.

      In Persuasion, Austen employs longer chapters towards the end of the novel to showcase the evolving perspectives and internal changes within characters. This helped readers witness the characters’ development over time.

      Use Scene Breaks Wisely

      Don’t worry too much about how long your chapters are while you’re writing. Just let your ideas flow. You can fix and organize the chapters later during the editing process. Think of scene breaks as a helpful tool. They’re like pauses in your story. You can use scene breaks to switch between different characters’ perspectives, show a jump in time, or skip over unimportant details.

      If you feel some chapters are too short, you can combine them using scene breaks. On the other hand, if a chapter is too long, you can make it easier to read by adding scene breaks at suitable points. This way, your readers will find your story easier to follow.

      The Final Word

      Deciding on how long a book chapter should be is an important consideration. You need to think about the story, the book genre, and what the audience likes. However, the most important factor is that the chapter length should make sense for your story.

      A book chapter can be as long or short as necessary as long as it keeps the reader hooked. You can even play around with chapter lengths in your book. In the end, it’s all about the author’s skill in telling a great story that connects with the people reading it.

      Science fiction books with chapters up to 8000 words have a massive readership, and the same goes for thrillers with small chapters of 1500 words. People will read chapters of any length as long as they are well-written and make sense with the story.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What is a good length for a book chapter?

      Chapter length can vary according to genres, authors, and books. On average, chapters are somewhere between 1000-5000 words. It is generally advised not to exceed the 5000-word limit to avoid losing the reader’s attention.

      How many pages should a romance novel be?

      Romance novels tend to be between 200-360 pages. The word count varies from 50,000 words to 90,000 words depending on the sub-genre, writing style, and story.

      How long should novel chapters be?

      The average novel length is 90,000 words or 360 pages. Novel length varies according to genre. For example, children’s books are typically 30-32 pages whereas fantasy fiction novels are usually 360-500 pages.

      Is 50000 words a short book?

      50,000 words is the minimum length for a fiction book. Manuscripts over 110,000 words are generally considered too long for fiction books. Books under 50,000 words are called novellas.

      How long should chapters be in a YA novel?

      An average YA novel typically ranges anywhere between 55,000 and 80,000 words in length. The average word count per chapter for YA novels falls within the range of 3,000 to 5,000 words.

      How long is a chapter in Harry Potter?

      In J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s stone, the average chapter length is 4500 words. Throughout the series as the story progresses and the plot gets more complex, Rowling uses varying chapter length to further the narrative of the story.

      Is 2000 words enough for a chapter?

      There is no set limit for how long a chapter should be. The average chapter lengths vary according to genre and story. Typically, chapters within the fiction novels have an average word count per chapter of 1000-5000 words. If your book is a fiction novel, 2000 words lie within the average chapter length range and is acceptable.

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