Book Marketing | 17 January 2024

Does An Author Need to Work With A Book Publicist?

portrait-smiling-young-afro-american-man Michael Adams




Whether you are a new author or an established one, you have probably heard about hiring a publicist or a publicist company for all the promotional activities for your upcoming new release.

But who is a book publicist? And what does a publicist do? Should every author hire a book publicist? Do you need to google “book publicist near me” to find the best ones? Why not scroll down and find out:

A. Getting Started: Are You Planning to Hire A Book Publicist?

As authors enter the final stage of their ebook writing journey, many prefer not to get a book publicist. It’s not that authors don’t need one. Some of them don’t know about the various benefits of getting a publicist for their book.

Or that these professionals charge an exorbitantly high fee for their service.

Many times, authors need a bit of education when it comes to the marketing and promotion of their books. For instance, authors working with a children’s book publicist may feel that they have hit the jackpot.

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    Especially if their promotional efforts resulted in unexpected media appearances. Like top outlets, such as Good Morning America or the New York Times, while drastically increasing book sales on the go!

    However, it is not as hunky dory as anyone may make you believe.

    B. Do You Really Need One?

    Any author planning to hire a book publicist for their new project needs to have a clear idea about their end goals first when thy set about to hire a publicist for their book.

    Such does an author really need to go all out when they invest in one of the best book publicists. What will the extra publicity help to achieve? It actually depends on the genre that you have chosen for your book.

    For a fiction book, a robust PR team might just be the extra sauce that your book needs. As for its non-fiction counterparts, these are still expected to meet majority of their goals – without hiring a PR firm.

    But if its for an author’s ego, then keep one thing in mind – publicity shouldn’t be the ultimate aim. And that’s exactly what this article is all about.

    C. Who Are Book Publicists?

    Book publicists are PR professionals. They work either as part of an agency while collaborating with the self-published author or publishing house.

    Or provide part-time services as solo professionals, using their network and connections to garner attention and publicity for a new book.

    Especially if the author’s past experience in the publicity department has been anything but successful. Then this comes in handy even more.

    • An Extra Pair of Hands – Just What Every Author Needs!

    The time around the book launch is one of the busiest periods for any author. And they can surely do a lot with an extra pair of hands!

    So, if an author decides to hire a book publicist then they are in luck because these professionals can handle publicity, allowing the book to shine – exactly how it’s supposed to be.

    Unfortunately, this is something that most new authors don’t realize. They often underestimate how busy and chaotic their schedule can become, as they inch closer to the final launch.

    That’s why, outsourcing professionals who know the ins and outs of the business may just be the help they need to lighten their load:

    • Reach out to the followers via email lists
    • Keep a check on various social media channels
    • Create an Amazon Author page (if it isn’t already created)
    • Draft press releases
    • Connect with various media outlets/top bloggers for maximum coverage as the launch date draws closer


    • What Authors Should Keep in Mind

    However, authors need to clarify a couple of things to the publicist. Firstly, who their ultimate target is and how publicists should reach out to the audience.

    This helps to position the book better and reach the right audience as easily as they expected. Another important thing to note is that not all book publicists work with self-published authors.

    This is something that authors will need to check before hiring one. Or get in touch with freelance book publicist to help them out with the marketing stage of their book journey.

    Authors are advised to come up with a book marketing plan which they can discuss with the publicists so that they are both on the same page.


    D. The Dos & Don’ts of Book Publicists

    Navigating the world of book promotions can be a bit tricky since two different approaches are involved. One is traditional and other is the digital one.

    • The Traditional Publicist

    The traditional publicist was required to organize book promotion and publicity events like book signings, speaking on various platforms, etc. However with time, this is changing as well.

    Since it essentially applied to the standard brick-and-mortar bookstore. And with people shopping online, book shopping has gone digital as well.

    • Digital Publicity 

    With marketing activities becoming digitized today, all book publicists for hire ensure that an author gets the right media coverage.

    This means promotional tactics such as reaching out to social media followers, using email lists to contact people, going live on podcasts, and simply utilizing digital media outlets to the max.

    While many publicists still coordinate book tours or assist book sellers to make better purchases – bulk of their work today is related to media coverage and placement on the digital sphere.

    Is There A Catch With Digital Publicity?

    Although, these are meant to provide the right audience with an opportunity to invest, what makes them truly effective? It all depends on the target buyer, which can be seen simply when new authors are starting out: they dont have a following.

    Hence, growing an author’s number of followers should be done as organically as possible, since most dont have any when they are starting out in the industry!

    In such a case, it is better not to expect the publicist to take followers – from zero to exceedingly high digits! Aim to be as realistic as one can be and strive to develop the customer’s interest.

    While allowing them to transition into bigger course of events.


    E. Do Publicist Help Plan Book Marketing Strategy?

    This question entails both a yes and no for an answer. Authors, who intend to hire book publicists, should ideally work with them as they start their book writing journey.

    For it would help them to understand the position of the book better. And draft a marketing strategy that suits the book as the author envisioned.

    • Another Viewpoint Popular Among the Pros

    Many publicists agree that it’s absolutely foolish to involve professionals after the author is done writing the book. Although impossible, many publicists nod in agreement with the idea.

    Nonetheless, it ultimately depends how the author wants their marketing strategy to be.

    While publicists DO have a plethora of media contacts, useful to the author and his new book – helping to place them in the right place is what really matters.

    Many authors still have zero idea about how their media coverage should look like. Having a clear vision for your book promotions makes it easier to implement it.

    Then there are some authors, who need somebody to keep an eye on the marketing checklist, to stay on track, and attain opportunities, as highlighted by the publicist!

    F. So, Do Authors Need A Publicist? Or Not?

    Many authors think that they don’t need a publicist for their book. But it ultimately depends on what they to accomplish via the book.

    For instance, non-fiction book writers want to support their new business setups. Hence, they want the book to serve as a tool to enter the industry as an expert.

    And that’s where a book publicist comes in handy. While the initial idea is to start small – don’t be scared of getting bigger and better with the plan!

    • The Real Deal

    However, many authors (especially the self-publishing ones) need to keep a tight hold on both the budget and the marketing volume.

    And if the concentration is on a niche audience then most book promotions can be done via word of mouth. Hence, there are two instances where the author is encouraged to get a professional book publicist:

    • Reasonable service charges
    • Professional assistance for book promotions

    G. How Much Should A Book Publicist Be Charged?

    Let’s talk about charges.

    • Initial Sum

    Irrespective of who the author chooses – solo book publicist or a PR agency – they have to pay an initial small amount of $5K or even lower at the start.

    With time, they would have to pay at least four-figure sums for the publicity part only. That’s because every PR agency works according to a certain model – something that most authors don’t know about.

    Its important to mention that there are some agencies where one book publicist is handling several authors at the same time. Such firms only aim to make a quick profit.

    • Disconnect Between the Author & the PR Agency

    When the typical agency model is being followed, there’s a kind of a gap between the PR professional and the author.

    This sort of disconnect can affect the book’s marketing strategy because the two are not on the same page. And this can eventually affect how the final thing is executed.

    Though, the ideal situation is that every publicist should have one or just two clients to work at a time, that’s not always possible.

    Because such is the nature of the PR industry, where the atmosphere is nothing less than an adrenaline rush. This means that there are more chances of silly errors happening.

    Hence, authors are highly advised when searching for a book publicist – DO NOT be stingy.

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      • Check Past Portfolio

      Thoroughly examine the history of the PR agency and the book publicist they have decided to work with. See if they are worth all that money and the trouble or not.

      Authors are also advised to ask around to find out more to make the right decision. Book publicity varies from one author to another, from one publicist to another.

      But it honestly depends where the author stands in their book journey.

      Some newly-published authors may be ready to do some heavy investing in book promotions, especially if it’s their first book.

      While there are many, who want to do everything on their own. On the other hand, if an author has already been published before – then chances are they might simply go easy on the promotions.

      What’s more, collaborating with a book publicist can help them land in circles that will give your book the boost and the coverage it needs.


      On A Final Note, 

      A book publicist makes sure that an author is connected with the right people. And connecting with the target audience is a sure sign of the book’s success.

      So, instead of going for broader appeal – write for a niche audience while keeping a strict check over the various nuances of your chosen genre.

      For instance, a book like ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ became an instant hit because everyone seems to be talking about it.

      Thus, allowing the book to gain prominence like never before. This was only because there was a strong PR team behind the author, which made sure that the conversation regarding the book or around it – never stopped.

      Only helping it reach heights unimagined by the author herself as well.

      That’s why authors should invest on a book publicist – even if its meant for a niche audience. Be realistic when setting marketing objectives, even if you are hiring professionals for the job.

      Wrapping it up, one thing is clear: authors don’t always need a publicist. But their book does. Helping to build the author’s brand for increased visibility and having a positive effect on book sales.

      Although, not always mandatory, publicist can really take the load off an author’s plate so that they concentrate on the writing part instead.

      Interested in letting the professionals handle book promotions of your brand? Contact the marketing experts at Book Quill and get started right away!

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

      Q. What does a book publicist do?
      Book publicists help to leave a strong mark on the industry, connecting authors and readers to the right people to promote their book and enhance book sales targets.

      Q. How much does a book publicist costs?
      An experienced professional will charge around $3,000 and even more, while spending atleast four months to work on your book.

      Q. What does a publicist do for an author?
      A publicist promotes an author’s work by securing media coverage, arranging interviews, managing social media campaigns, and organizing book launch events. Their goal is to increase visibility, attract readers, and enhance the author’s public image

      Q. What should I look for before hiring a professional book publicist?

      Always ask them to provide you with a list of past publications and the kind of media coverage done to make sure that their marketing capabilities align with author/book goals. Professionals will happily share past successes and testimonials to secure a position with your book!

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