Book Marketing | 10 January 2024

How to Become an Amazon Bestseller: A Guide To Reaching #1

portrait-smiling-young-afro-american-man Michael Adams




Congratulations, if you have just released your new book? So, what is going to be your next step? As exciting as a new amazon book release is, it isn’t enough. After all, every writer wants their book to be a coveted bestseller. You can start right away, with none other than Amazon!

Why not aim for the Amazon bestseller badge and tick it done on your wish list too! While Amazon has been the leading source for all things eBooks with the e-commerce giant boasting of book sales that cross an expected 1 billion. It just shows that the power of Amazon can simply not be underestimated.

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    Neither its influence within the eBook industry. Do you want your book to become the next Amazon 1 Bestseller? Then get started! Scroll down to read the article and explore the various steps to help your book soar to the top:

    Why is the Amazon Bestseller Badge is Crucial For Every New Author?

    Who doesn’t want to achieve the lofty status of a bestseller? Besides bringing popularity, great book sales, and immense value for the book, it offers some obvious perks to the author. So, the better it sells, the more it will become easier to convert book leads to sales!

    That’s why, authors should know how to make use of this powerful tool and learn how diversify the reader’s buying experience! But there are more. Scroll down to read why getting an Amazon Bestseller Badge becomes crucial for an author:

    • Get on That Amazon Book Search List

    A writer’s first step towards success is his triumph on Amazon. And why not? For starters, achieving the bestseller status greatly affects the visibility of a book. It instantly boosts the authenticity and authority of the writer. Furthermore, Amazon kindle books prove that it is a writer’s best bet, especially if the idea is to build a credible reputation in the industry.

    This begins with selling more books to grow target audience and applies to both fiction and non-fiction authors. Here, generated lists like the Amazon non-fiction bestseller list, can come in handy. Since these are present for a specific time only. The advantage is that these ease Amazon books search process.

    Moreover, if the book eventually ranks high then it will affect both its visibility on the market place and that will further have a positive impact on sales! So, if an author wants to drastically increase their chances of getting discovered then its better to jump on one of Amazon’s book search lists, right away!

    • Form An Emotional Connection With the Reader

    Authors are keen on becoming one of Amazon’s bestselling books not just for high rankings. But also because of its effect on the reader. This simply shows that if a book is unable to form an emotional connection with the target reader, then it wouldn’t gain popularity – simply to begin with.

    Take the example of the book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul. The book is successful today because its short story collection has been a source of patience and compassion for all kinds of people, soothing their pain and hurt. However, this was never the case when it started out initially.

    But it successfully filled a gap within the industry – all because the authors never stopped believing in its potential. A terrific example is Chicken Soup For The Indian Soul: 101 by Jack Canfield. The author eventually saw skyrocketing sales, which was a result of connecting emotionally with a wide range of readers. Ultimately making the brand to become the giant that it is today!

    • The Credibility of Your Book Depends on Its Quality

    If you consistently worry about sales not increasing, then know this – sales automatically increase, once it reaches out to more people. The more your book is promoted, the more people will want to buy it. However, there have also been instances where the opposite happened.

    Readers bought books based on their ratings or simply by scanning the reviews – only to find later that the book was anything what they expected. That’s why soaring book sales may seem like a strong factor but check other factors as well.

    Keep the content of your book easy-to-understand yet strong. Like Francesc Miralles did with the non-fiction book: Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life.  Being a simple read, it not only appeals to all kinds of readers. Yet the quality of the content doesn’t dip as observed with other books.

    • Check Online Resources For Your Self-Published Journey

    Success for self-published authors looks different because there is a general distrust among readers. However, that’s changing. Hence, whether, your self-published book has the bestseller banner or ranks high on the Amazon Bestseller List – these are signs that your book is going places!

    Get creative with marketing opportunities, various book-related activities, and engagements if you want your book to be coveted as Amazon 1 Bestseller! While that may be tougher to achieve but it isnt always.

    However these are not enough, with the authors still have to struggle a bit more to make their mark within the industry. Check out resources available for self-publishing authors and see which ones, will help you land on that bestseller’s list!

    Ready to Move to the Next Part of Your Author Journey?

    Struggling a bit to leave a mark within the industry? Well, you have to worry anymore! Here’s what you need:

    • Past the Formatting Stage? Then It’s Time to Optimize

    Once you are past these couple of stages, you should jump right onto optimization. This should

    Begin optimization with your Author Amazon Book Page. All writers today have an author page on Amazon. This is crucial because it helps people locate your published works as an author in one place. Even though, its often not stressed enough and in fact, is overlooked but having an Author Amazon Book Page increases your chances of boosting the visibility of your book in front of the target reader.

    That’s why authors need to make sure that their author page on Amazon is always updated. Check up all areas such as the book blurb, info at the back, description, and other bits that can enhance your visibility online. Simply by clearly communicating the essence of your book.

    This should be compelling enough to coax any reader into wanting to make a purchase and read to find out what happens next in the story.

    • Utilize Amazon’s Marketing Tools For Your Book!

    Authors today take an active interest in book marketing activities. They are far more willing to explore the various promotional avenues that may boost the book’s visibility. An easy way is simply by using marketing tool kits available on Amazon. No wonder, it is so popular among writers and authors alike!

    The e-commerce giant ensures that authors – both new and established ones – feel empowered, so that they can take control of every aspect of their publishing journey. Authors, especially the new ones entering the industry are encouraged to simply enroll in Amazon’s KDP Select Program. Enjoy the plethora of possibilities offered to boost an author’s profile on the web.

    Not to forget that when using Amazon’s author-friendly advertising tools – be specific with the search intent. This applies whether you are targeting a certain range of keywords or utilizing sponsored ads for promotions. Or just simply, leveraging book promotional tools for the new book project. And you will be good to go!

    • Reach Out to External Media Sources for Reviews & Product Coverage 

    The diverse range of tools may have made life quite easy for writers and authors. Yet classic advertising still holds power. And for obvious reasons too! Once you have gotten the word out about your book, there are a number of things you can do. Prior to the book launch, follow the short list of marketing tactics – a mix of the old with the new – that anyone can try:

    • Give away advance copies to book influencers for initial reviews
    • Give bonus points for book recommendations. Get it listed in various book clubs/reading lists online
    • Go to various book-related events to engage with fans or readers
    • Create a page on Meta (previously Facebook). Or forums on reddit for maximum coverage
    • Hold Q&A sessions on X (previously Twitter). Or go Live on Instagram
    • Regularly blog on the official website to give the reader an insider’s view of your journey

    Incorporating some of the above-mentioned ideas not only puts the spotlight on your newly released book. It further helps the author locate their target’s customer journey better, deliver consistent engagement to keep the spark alive and generate the reader’s interest so that they buy the book.

    • Check the Price Tag of Your Book

    Aiming to reach for the Amazon Top 100 Bestseller List does not mean that your book’s price tag goes over the top! That’s why you need to be practical when pricing your Amazon prime books. After all, no one wants to buy an overpriced book – be it an eBook or a physical one. A good way is to base your price tag on the total number of pages in your book.

    If it has less than 100 pages, it should be under $10 to get optimum royalty on Amazon. Authors should check out book sales if they want to play a bit more with the pricing. Interestingly, this is important for the overall progress of your book as it will help you do a better analysis of your competitor or the genre in general.

    • Take Care of Your Online Results

    Reaching the #1 spot on the Amazon bestselling books, may once have seemed like a mystery. But that is no longer the case. All you need to do is try out various steps and strategies to help your book reach the skies! This begins once the new book becomes highly visible in the market. And why so? The more visible it is, the higher its purchasing power would be.

    That’s why optimizing is so important. Incorporate relevant keywords in the book title, the subtitle, and the book description among several other places. This will help your book come on top in search results, making it further easier to convert leads into sales.

    Once the position of your book improves, it easily becomes popular within a short period. The author just has to make sure that the book lands in front of the right target reader. This can be done simply by using diverse SEO strategies for the book to easily pop up in search results. Just be strategic about the nitty gritty and you are good to go!

    • Pay Attention to the Design Part

    Optimization is not the only way to entice the target reader into purchasing your book. Your cover art and the overall book design can come in handy as well. Make the book look inviting design-wise, so that the reader is lured to make the final purchase. A bestseller needs to delicately balance content and design to appeal to the reader.

    Make sure that your book cover art speaks as loudly as the words inside the book do. We suggest that you let professionals handle the book design part for you. After all, your cover art needs to speak for itself. Besides, a compelling book cover design will instantly grab the buyer’s attention and hep you stand out as an author.

    Aim to captivate the reader so much that they instantly click on that “Buy Now” button and purchase the book, right away!

    • Build Up & Organize a Book Launch Team

    Once the book is published and enters marketing and promotions, the author realizes that they are no longer the lone captain of their ship. Make sure to get all the right hands on board, if you want to move in the right direction. That’s where group efforts such as book launch teams come in handy. Such teamwork ensures that everybody work towards a common goal(s). While forging a strong network in the process.

    Authors will feel that their hands are full as they enter the launch phase of their book. And put the team to good use. Simply by receiving early bird copies, which reads easily. After that, your team can write several reviews once the book goes live on Amazon. Next, jump on your social media and your email lists to invite followers to your book launch team.

    Their positive reviews will further cement your reputation within the community. The aim is to stir up buzz in the book community so that when the official launch takes place, anticipation runs high and you can easily sell a larger amount of books. While these are just some basic steps that you need to follow, they will help set your book for success in the long-term!

    • Plan A Long-Running Promotional Campaign

    For any author, their main goal shouldn’t just be getting the Amazon bestsellers books’ status. They should also aim to explore and diversify their avenues, so that the book stays on the reader’s mind for a long time. This can be done, simply by consistent book marketing efforts from the team.

    Get creative with the promotional campaign(s). Aim for maximum engagement with your target audience. While there are plenty of options, here are some for you to get started:

    • Regularly collaborate with book influencers of your genre
    • Be proactive on your social media channels
    • Set up podcast interviews
    • Conduct virtual book tours

    The idea is to be consistent in providing valuable content, which is the legit way to keep the audience engaged and sustain the success for a long time!

    Wrapping It Up,

    Becoming Amazon’s bestselling author may seem ambitious. But it needs to be dealt tactfully if you want solid results. These can only be achieved when one is strategic and meticulous in their approach – from crafting to the marketing to the optimization. Not to forget the post-purchase stage.

    With the industry increasingly becoming competitive, authors are dipping their fingers in a lot of pies to ensure that they are always in touch with the audience – no matter which phase they are at. This can only be sustained when creativity, consistency, and perseverance are a part of the equation. Its the only way a young author can increase their chances of achieving publishing success in the industry.

    Always remember: an author’s success is not an overnight process. One which requires a healthy blend of open-minded approach, intelligent strategy, and that sprinkle of faith. And then see, how your book soars to new heights! So, what are you waiting for? Apply some of the above-mentioned tactics and watch your book soar high on Amazon’s skies!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q. What is Amazon Best Seller Badge and what does it indicate?
    The Amazon Best Seller Badge is awarded to top sellers on various products that have higher ranking in terms of sales. It is denoted via an orange ribbon icon that any visitor can find on the top-left side corner of a product page. The badge aims to indicate to customers to make better purchasing decisions.

    Q: How do I become an Amazon Best Seller?

    To become an Amazon Best Seller, you need to optimize your product listing by using clear, compelling titles, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords. Gathering positive reviews from customers is crucial, as well as using Amazon’s advertising tools to increase visibility and running promotions to attract more buyers. Regularly monitor your sales performance and adjust your strategy to stay competitive. Consistency in providing great customer service and maintaining high-quality products are key factors in achieving and sustaining Best Seller status.

    Q. how many books need to be sold to be a bestseller on Amazon?
    An author needs to sell nearly 5000 copies within 24 hours to earn that badge!

    Q. How does a book become a bestseller on Amazon?
    For authors need to understand how the algorithm works if they want the book to become an Amazon best seller. This algorithm takes several factors into account. Such as sales, reviews, or keyword relevance.

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