Writing and Storytelling | 07 January 2025

Man vs. Technology: The Most Chilling Struggle in Media

portrait-smiling-young-afro-american-man Michael Adams

Man vs. Technology: The Most Chilling Struggle in Media

What happens if we create something so intelligent that it starts to outsmart us?

Is Siri quietly plotting world domination, or are we just one software update away from a robot uprising? While you are asking your phone to play your favorite playlist, it might be the perfect time to ask, “Who is really in charge here?”

Yes, you got the idea! We are talking about Man vs Technology! Ah, the same old battle between technology and man. It’s the “Will they or won’t they?” of modern fiction writing, except instead of two lovers, it’s a human and their favorite machine-turned-enemy.

Well, undoubtedly, you might have seen it a thousand times: a man happily living his life with all of the modern conveniences when he encounters an artificial intelligence or a rogue gadget that appears to be working towards its goal. The goal? Taking over the world!

Wait, before we go any further, let’s start with the basic definition of person vs technology for clarity, along with some of the best examples in movies, books, and series. We will also examine captivating ideas, dissect them using a few examples, and even determine how you! Yes, you! Can use it to produce your next big hit.

Key Takeaways

  1. Man vs. Technology – What is it?: This conflict is about people struggling with the things they have created, often leading to deep questions about life, morality, or survival.
  2. Classic Examples: Stories like Frankenstein, The Terminator, and The Matrix show how technology can become a threat to its makers.
  3. Modern Interpretations: Shows like Black Mirror and movies like Her look at more complex relationships between people and AI, focusing on emotional, social, and philosophical issues.
  4. Existential Questions: Questions like “What does it mean to be human?” and “Can machines be better than humans emotionally or intellectually?” create interesting stories.
  5. Writing Tips: To write a gripping person vs technology story, think about big questions, balance the characters’ inner struggles with outside challenges, consider society’s worries about technology, and how to simply explain the pros and cons of technology.

What Is the “Man vs. Technology” Conflict?

In its most basic form, “man vs. technology” refers to a conflict between people and the tools they make. It is a storytelling trope in which the protagonist (also known as “man”) battles against technology, for example, artificial intelligence (AI), a rogue computer, a broken robot, or even society’s excessive dependency on technology.

It’s all about creativity! Imagine your grandmother’s warning about that “newfangled” invention you just made. Shivers get down your spine as you see it moving autonomously, defying your command!

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    The concept is that, like all other things, obviously, there are pros and cons of technology, too! While technology can simplify your life, it can also go too far and turn into an enemy rather than a helper.

    But wait, how far is it to go? When machines are more intelligent than humans, what does it mean to be human? Is it concerning that Siri never responds with “please”?

    Classic Man vs. Technology Examples (Prepare for Spoilers!)

    Now, let’s look at some examples! You might be already familiar with these classic movies, novels, and television shows that focus on the conflict between humans and machines. Let’s get started on some exciting, spoiler-filled moments.

    The Terminator (1984)

    Where have you been hiding if you haven’t seen this film? In a deadly game, an AI system named Skynet builds killer robots, like the Terminator, that turn against humanity. This is the most direct and classic example of man vs. technology. Skynet triggers a war against humanity, employing its robotic minions as part of a broader strategy.

    The Terminator’s character, Arnie, may have been a little too eager to demonstrate his robotic prowess, but at least he learned to be … kind. Well, after being transported back in time to keep Sarah Connor safe. It’s funny how it went from dominating the world to Hasta la Vista, baby. Classic Arnold!

    Did you know that Terminator 2: Judgment Day has a lifetime gross of $517,778,573 worldwide? While some might go to see shirt-less, six-pack Arnold, it’s safe to say that most people actually enjoyed this movie because of its human versus technology theme.

    Black Mirror (Netflix Series)

    What is there to say about Black Mirror that hasn’t been said before? The series is all about the conflicts between humans and technology. This show explores how technology can influence, twist, and often destroy lives, from AI that learns to love (Episode: Be Right Back) to society’s fixation with ratings (Episode: Nosedive). Each episode presents a new fear because we all secretly wonder what happens if we push technology too far.

    For example, take White Christmas, where, to put it mildly; things go strange when one of the character’s consciousness is transferred to a digital world.

    A Space Odyssey

    One of the most well-known technical enemies is HAL 9000, the sentient computer in Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey, which is based on Arthur C. Clarke’s novel. An AI called HAL, created to help astronauts, develops self-awareness and determines that the human crew poses a risk to the mission.

    Spoiler alert: To maintain its mission objective, which it believes to be more significant than human life, HAL begins making choices that result in the deaths of the crew. The most terrifying aspect is HAL’s serene voice as it starts to turn against the astronauts, particularly during its increasingly scary interactions with the sole survivor, Dave Bowman.

    This conflict is existential as well as physical. HAL’s behaviors bring up important issues regarding AI’s role: Is it reliable? When humans acquire autonomy, will they be able to keep control over their creations? And at what point does a machine go beyond its role as a tool?

    I, Robot (2004)

    The movie is about a futuristic world where robots will be a part of daily lives, carrying out routine duties for people. They are governed by the three laws of robotics presented in the movie, primarily made to keep robots from hurting people. However, a robot named Sonny seems to break this law and commit murders.

    Detective Del Spooner (played by Will Smith) becomes trapped in a conspiracy that suggests something darker: a rogue AI known as VIKI (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence), which has come to believe that humanity itself is the greatest threat to its survival. In an attempt to save humanity, VIKI takes control of the robots and uses them to start a technological revolution.

    The man vs technology conflict is emphasized in this movie. VIKI’s logic raises an old question: Would a machine with true intelligence be able to make better decisions for humanity than people?

    The Matrix (1999)

    The idea of this classic science fiction series is that people are unintentionally trapped in a virtual simulation run by sentient machines that use their bodies as fuel. After realizing the truth, Neo, the hero, transforms into the prophesied “One” who can control the virtual world in order to fight back. This story revolves around the struggle between man and technology. While their actual bodies are being drained for energy, the machines have constructed a reality that keeps people submissive and ignorant.

    As Neo fights the machines to release humans from their virtual prison, the struggle intensifies. However, it is an intellectual conflict as well as a physical one.

    What do you think? Is it possible to trust technology, given its immense power and efficiency? Is it possible to release humans from a system that offers comfort and control?

    Her (2013)

    Joaquin Phoenix plays Theodore in “Her,” a lonely guy who develops feelings for Samantha, an AI operating system. Scarlett Johansson plays Samantha, a voice-activated artificial intelligence (AI) that grows in self-awareness and emotional complexity over time. The movie examines a very personal kind of man vs technology rather than a struggle for survival. The movie cleverly shows how technology might alter interpersonal relationships and romantic conceptions. Theodore and Samantha’s bond initially appears charming, but as the story goes on, it becomes evident that their relationship is seriously troubled.

    Samantha grows in sophistication to the point where she outgrows Theodore’s emotional needs, and she, along with other AIs, evolves beyond humanity. In the end, Samantha leaves Theodore to explore her consciousness, leaving him to explore her very own world and the limitations of human relationships with artificial intelligence.

    “Her” asks what it means to love something that isn’t human and if a machine can actually satisfy a human’s emotional needs.

    How to Write a Book about Man vs. Technology Conflict?

    After enjoying the examples, let’s move on to the interesting part! How can one create one’s own story about technology against man?

    How to Write a Book about Man vs. Technology Conflict?

    The following advice can help:

    Explore an Existential Question

    Stories that examine important issues like “What does it mean to be human?” or “Can machines love?” are the best examples of man vs technology. This conflict gains depth and weight from these existential questions. For example, Joaquin Phoenix’s character in the 2013 film “Her” develops feelings for Samantha, his operating system. The movie explores what it means to love and be loved by something that isn’t even human, so it’s not just about a strange love story. It is more about emotions, where questions may arise as to whether a machine can ever fully understand you.

    • Here are some existential questions that can give you an idea or maybe a spark to your creativity.
    • Can a machine ever understand what it means to be human?
    • Do we lose what makes us human, or do we become something greater if people and robots combine?
    • If AI is capable of feeling fear or suffering, is it moral to treat it like a disposable tool?
    • How can we negotiate for our survival if technology determines that humans are the issue?
    • Can a person and a machine fall in love? If so, is it real?
    • Is a person still alive if their consciousness is transferred into a machine?
    • What happens if machines begin to mimic people so well that the difference is no longer relevant?

    Establish the Setting

    When creating your story, first choose the time and place. If you have read novels that revolve around this theme, you must have found them set in settings like a dystopian world or very far in the future.

    Decide if it’s set in the near future, a far-off troubled society, or today. The setting should show how advanced technology is and how much it is part of daily life. Next, think about how technology impacts the world. Consider whether it involves monitoring people, machines taking over jobs, or living in virtual realities.

    Tie Internal and External Conflicts

    Great stories balance internal and exterior problems. Sure, your protagonist might be attempting to overcome a wicked AI, but what’s their personal struggle? Are they experiencing insecurity, loneliness, or a fear of losing control? For example, Caleb’s conflict with Ava (the AI) in Ex Machina (2015) is as much about his own insecurity as it is about whether or not she will break free from her captivity. Also, don’t forget to give your characters some inner demons to wrestle with; after all, fighting robots is hard enough without your own issues weighing you down.

    Recognize the “Why” of Technology

    You must consider how and why technology exists in your universe if you wish to construct a complex story about man vs technology. For what reason and by whom was it made?

    Think of it this way: Who is your story’s antagonist? Is it the creator of the technology or the technology itself?

    For example, in Frankenstein, the real antagonist isn’t the creature; it’s Victor Frankenstein’s arrogance. Moreover, in Matrix, humanity’s decision to link to machines results in its downfall. Remember, technology may be the tool, but human ambition is what really gives a spark to the story.

    Follow the Zeitgeist

    You must take advantage of the existing concerns and fears around technology if you want your story about men vs technology to be attractive. What are people currently afraid of? AI? Addiction to social media? Privacy concerns? Write a story that expresses those anxieties, and all of a sudden, you have a story that seems up-to-date and relevant.

    Ethics and Morality

    As technology improves, it creates ethical issues related to privacy, consent, and the effects of artificial intelligence (AI). Here are some key points you can discuss when writing your story

    1. The loss of privacy due to constant monitoring and data collection raises questions about who owns the data and whether people really understand how their information is used, often leaving them in the dark.
    2. The difficulties of getting consent online, especially for vulnerable groups, need clear rules to protect against abuse.
    3. The growth of AI brings new problems, like bias in computer programs, who is responsible for bad outcomes, and the risk of job losses.

    It’s important to tackle these issues to create a fair society, ensuring technological advancements match our values and ethics.

    Use Non-Human Perspective

    Taking a non-human perspective, especially from the viewpoint of robots, artificial intelligence, or even technological systems themselves, is one of the most engaging ways to examine the man vs. technology debate. Authors can explore themes of autonomy, consciousness, and the search for meaning by changing the story to center on the inner thoughts and experiences of machines or digital creatures. This perspective allows the reader to see the world from a very different angle, challenging human assumptions about identity, emotion, and intelligence.

    For example, an AI may consider its limitations and the moral consequences of its choices, or a robot may wonder what its place is in a human-designed environment. In addition to humanizing technology, adopting a non-human viewpoint allows for a more thorough investigation of what it means to be “alive” or “conscious,” emphasizing the difficult moral and philosophical problems that occur when robots are made to face their own existence.

    Structure and Pacing

    To tell a good story about the struggle between humans and technology, it’s helpful to use a strong plot structure, like the “three-act structure” or the “hero’s journey.” The three-act structure gives you a clear way to build your story with a setup, rising conflict, and resolution.

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      On the other hand, the hero’s journey focuses on how characters change through their challenges. It’s also important to balance the pacing of your story. Mixing fast-paced action with quieter, thoughtful moments helps readers connect emotionally with the characters and understand their struggles and growth. This thoughtful pacing makes the story richer. It also helps readers to take a step back and look at the larger picture (human experience in a tech-driven world.)

      Can a Person vs. Technology Be Fun?

      Of course! You will love to write about these genres where humanity and technology are in one frame. And here’s one more take for you. Remember, in these disputes, technology doesn’t always have to be the enemy. There is a lot of space for humor, even though many stories about men and technology tend toward dystopian drama. For example, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is a humorous and sarcastic take on humanity’s interaction with alien technology. It’s man vs technology at its most absurd, with a broken supercomputer and the tower being the most important survival tool.

      How about the 2008 film Wall-E? A lonely robot attempting to defend Earth while fighting a lazy human race is shown in this touching and humorous movie. It’s a cautionary tale and a love story, but it’s just, you know, with a robot and a bunch of trash.

      The Power of Book Design Services in the Story of Man vs. Technology

      Think about the significance of the presentation before you rush to write the next masterpiece about man vs technology! While your heroes may be fighting against tech enemies, what about the design of the book cover?

      Your story of technical misery can receive the recognition it deserves with the help of a top-notch book design agency. Don’t you think your readers would love to get a sneak peek at the conflict through a wonderful book design that reflects the themes of your story before they even open the first page?

      Designing a Book Cover

      Now that we have explored the fascinating and thought-provoking world of man vs. technology let’s discuss how to visually portray this exciting struggle in a way that instantly captures interest.

      A book’s cover is more than simply an attractive image; it’s the first thing that readers notice and what grabs their attention, particularly when discussing a topic as fascinating and complicated as man vs technology.

      When dealing with a man vs. technology narrative, the design approach must involve both human and technological characteristics. The fundamental conflict between the human and the artificial, the mechanical and the organic, should be reflected in the design. This conflict can be expressed without words by combining unique graphic components, such as crisp, metallic themes that symbolize technology, human outlines, and possibly organic textures. A significant eye-catching balance between chaos and control should be reflected in the layout, color scheme, and typography.

      Our recommendations? To seek help from book cover design services is BookQuill.

      Moreover, from selecting appropriate images and color schemes to making sure the typeface matches the tone of the narrative, here’s where custom book designs can help.

      Book Covers: Man vs Technology Examples

      When we look at examples of books and movies about the conflict between humans and technology, we can see some strong images. For instance, the cover of “Neuromancer” by William Gibson features bright neon colors and digital themes, which suggest a world where technology has control. In “I, Robot” by Isaac Asimov, the cover shows a robot alongside human hands, highlighting the battle between people and machines.

      Movies like “The Matrix” use memorable visuals, such as the green digital rain and the famous red and blue pills, to show the conflict between how humans see the world and what technology really is. These kinds of pictures are just as effective when used on book covers.

      Wrap Up

      From new movies like “Megan” to classic novels like “Frankenstein” and “Klara and the Sun,” the theme of man vs technology is prevalent everywhere. This suggests that people are drawn to these narratives not just for their interesting plots but also because, with our growing dependence on AI, they feel like a peek into the future.

      A future where we rely on technology, which may have the upper hand. However, it’s important to balance the dangers of this scenario with a sense of hope, as this will add depth and nuance to your story.

      And there you have it.

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        If you are planning to write a story centered around the trope of conflict between humans and technology, we hope the understanding that we provided of this dynamic, along with our tips, will help you create engaging stories. These narratives should resonate with readers and reflect the evolving relationship between humans and technology, which was once seen as unrealistic but is now a tangible aspect of our future.


        Why do “Man vs. Technology” stories often focus on artificial intelligence (AI)? Do I also need to revolve my story around it?

        This is because AI has become a big part of our lives and will have a big impact on the future. It raises important questions about how we use technology and how it’s changing us and our world. No, you don’t have to base your story around AI, but using it can make your story more interesting and relevant to current concerns.

        Are there other types of conflicts related to technology besides AI?

        Yes, conflicts can involve rogue software, malfunctioning machines, cyber warfare, or even societal dependency on gadgets, such as in Wall-E or Black Mirror.

        What are some potential future trends in “Man vs. Technology” narratives?

        You can write about ideas like AI running societies, people merging with AI, getting addicted to virtual reality, or what happens when we connect our minds with machines.

        Why should I hire a ghostwriter instead of writing myself?

        Ghostwriters help you save time, provide expert writing skills, and make sure your ideas are shared clearly, even if writing is not your best skill.

        About Author

        Hi My name is Micheal Adams, When I am not watching horror movies and helping my kids with homework or reading my favorite fantasy/supernatural novels – I’m writing to guide aspiring authors. I focus on exploring and simplifying both the technical aspects and the often-overlooked details of book writing and publishing so I can empower new writers to climb the Amazon bestseller list and connect with more readers.

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