Publishing and Printing | 05 December 2023

How to Get a Book Published for the First Time

portrait-smiling-young-afro-american-man Michael Adams

Do you want to learn how to get a book published? Do you have an idea or a vision that you want to share with the world? Many best-selling authors began where you are right now. It was the case for English author Richard Adams who used to tell his kids rabbit stories and write in his spare time.

Adams served in the Second World War and became a civil servant. However, he always dreamed of becoming a writer and sharing his stories with the world. He penned his debut novel, Watership Down and it was a hit. Adams became a best-selling novelist in his 50s!

The publishing world may seem intimidating to outsiders, especially to those without connections, who are not public figures, or who have not yet been published. They are often plagued by questions such as: How hard is it to get a book published? How much does it cost to publish a book on amazon? And how long does it take to get a book published?

But does having doubts mean you can’t have your book published? Not at all! If you have an idea, a vision, or a dream, share it with the world as a book. But the real question is how to write a book and get it published. We can help you here! In this article, we break down how first-time writers can get their books published. So, keep reading!

What Is the Best Way to Publish a Book?

There are two ways to get your book published – traditional publishing and self-publishing. Each publishing path has its pros and cons. You must choose the one that helps you achieve your goals. Here’s a quick breakdown of both:

Traditional Publishing

With traditional publishing, a publishing house pays you for the rights to your work. If interested, a publishing house will sign a contract with you and handle the book’s editing, publication, distribution, and marketing. With this option, authors get paid upfront and don’t have to worry about any part of the book production process. Sounds like a dream. So how to traditionally publish a book? The truth is it there’s no guarantee you’ll hear back from them once you submit your manuscript.

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    Notable publishing houses are often selective about the books they publish. This makes traditional publishing a time-consuming process. Even if your manuscript is selected for publishing, a large cut of the book royalties goes to the publishing house. That is how they make a profit on the deal. For this reason, traditional publishing may not be for everyone. It is the right option for you if you want your work out there with little upfront cost. But, it is less profitable than self-publishing.


    Self-publishing is as an alternative to traditional publishing which allows you to independently publish your book on platforms like Amazon KDP. With self-publishing, you bear full responsibility for editing, proofreading, publishing, and marketing your book, unlike traditional publishers who typically cover these expenses.

    To finalize your book while self-publishing, you’ll need to hire an editor, proofreader, and designer, as well as cover the costs of publishing and marketing once the book is completed. Yes, it’s a hefty upfront cost. However, you’ll receive a larger percentage of the royalties, with the platform keeping a small share. In traditional publishing, the majority of book sale profits go to the publishing house.

    Did You Know These Famous Books Were Self-Published?

    • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki: Originally self-published in 1997, this book became a New York Times bestseller. It has sold more than 32 million copies worldwide.
    • The Martian by Andy Weir: The Martian sold 32,000 copies within 3 months of being published on Kindle as an eBook. The print rights were then sold to Crown Publishing.
    • A Naked Singularity by Sergio De La Pava: After rejections from publishers, De La Pava self-published this book in 2008. It won the 2013 PEN/Bingham Prize for best American debut novel.

    Is It Better to Self Publish or Get a Publisher?

    Now that we’ve explored your publishing options, the big question arises: is it better to self-publish or get a publisher? The truth is, there’s no definitive answer; it depends on your goals. If you prioritize royalties and want greater creative control over your work, self-publishing might be the better option for you. You will have to bear an upfront cost but self-publishing allows you to bring your work to the market independently.

    If you would prefer not to shoulder the large upfront costs of publishing a book and wish to be published by a major publisher, you can publish your work traditionally. Traditional publishing offers a sense of validation and distribution support, which can contribute to the overall success of your book. Your book will have good distribution and marketing if published traditionally. However, there’s no guarantee that your manuscript will be accepted and make it to publication but that should not stop you from giving it a shot.

    In the upcoming sections, we’ll take a deeper dive into each publishing route and see how they work to help you decide which one’s right for you.

    You can learn more about self publishing vs traditional publishing here.

    How to Self-Publish Your Book

    Even within self-publishing, there are various routes and options to consider, depending on your goals and budget. Here are some of them:

    E-book publication

    If you’re hesitant to take the risk of print publication, consider the digital route instead. By self-publishing your first book as an ebook, you can avoid printing costs while still reaching a wide audience. Amazon stands out as one of the most popular ebook publishing platforms. Publishing your book on the platform ensures that it’s accessible to a larger audience of readers, increasing your book’s reach.

    Self Printing

    If you want your readers to have a physical copy of your work you can can self-publish and print your book in bulk ahead of time. However, to print and distribute your books, you’ll need an ISBN. An ISBN is a unique 10-digit code assigned to every print book, enabling retailers, distributors, and libraries to easily identify and search for the book.

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      So, how to get an ISBN number for a self-published book? You can obtain an ISBN through the book printer you’re using to print copies of your book. Alternatively, you can utilize your national ISBN services. For instance, Canada offers a free ISBN for all citizens, while the US charges $125 for an ISBN from Bowker.

      It’s important to note that self-printing carries risks. If your book doesn’t perform well, you could end up with stacks of unsold books. This risk is why self-printing may not be the best option for first-time authors. You should only opt for self-printing when you have an established readership and previous sales data that indicates your book will do good business.

      Print on demand

      Self-printing books in bulk carries a level of risk. If your book doesn’t sell, you can lose money. An alternative approach to bulk-printing is print-on-demand which is a less risky way of self-publishing. With this method, a copy of the book is printed only when it’s requested by a customer or bookstore. First-time authors should opt for print-on-demand services instead of self-printing in bulk as it saves them from stacks of unsold books and crushed offered by companies like Amazon. This way, they avoid spending money on printing thousands of copies that may not sell.

      Self-Publishing Platforms

      There are book publishing companies like BookQuill that can assist you with publishing your book. This option is ideal if you would prefer not to navigate Amazon KDP or search for editors, proofreaders, and book cover designers on your own. From ghostwriting support to handling the publishing and marketing of your book, a book publishing company can guide you through every step of the process.

      How to  Publish a Book Traditionally: Step by Step

      When people think of traditional publishing, they picture a physical copy of their book displayed in bookstores. Here are the steps for publishing a book the traditional way.

      1. Research the Market
      2. Find an Agent
      3. Write a Query Letter
      4. Submit Your Manuscript
      5. Edit Your Work With Professionals
      6. Accept the Publishing Contract
      7. Market Your Book

      Research the Market

      While writing is a creative process, getting a book published traditionally requires you to have genre and market understanding. What does this mean exactly? Whether you are just starting out with writing a book or have already written a few chapters, it’s important to know who you are writing for. Start the market research for your book by identifying its genre – fiction, non-fiction, memoir, autobiography, etc.

      Research the genre and read other works in the genre to understand the reader expectations. This would give you inspiration for your book and help identify what sets your work apart from others. Such insight is invaluable for book publishing and marketing phases. You can’t traditionally publish a book there is no audience for. To get publish deal from a major publishing house, you need market research which shows that there’s an audience for your idea so they find it profitable and hence are willing to publish it.

      Find an Agent

      To pursue traditional publishing, you will have to find an agent. It is the hardest part of the process. An agent is like a talent manager who connects authors to publishing houses. Literary agents broker deals with prominent publishing houses. They negotiate contract terms, provide guidance, and make sure their client is getting the best deal.

      The right agent will open doors. Find a well-connected agent who can get your work in front of the right people. Your agent must believe in your work and understand your vision. Look for agents that have represented authors with books published in the same genre as your own. This will help you connect with an agent that shares your vision or is interested in pushing books like your own.

      Wondering how to get a book published without an agent? If you are unable to get an agent or want to publish your book without one, you will have to query publishers and negotiate terms of contract yourself. This isn’t ideal for first time authors. You may need to hire a lawyer to go through your publishing contract with you and ensure the deal is beneficial for you.

      Write a Query Letter

      A query letter is a document that introduces you and your book to a literary agent. It is like a short one-page proposal that should hook literary agents and get them interested in your work. A query letter should include:

      • Your brief introduction
      • Book concept
      • Book brief
      • Request to send the agent a book proposal.

      If an agent is interested, they will respond by either asking for a book proposal or the manuscript. A book proposal is anywhere between 20-50 pages. It includes the first three chapters of the book, a synopsis, the book’s target audience, a market analysis, and links to your platforms (if any). Check the website of the agent to check their requirements for a book proposal and query letter.

      Submit Your Manuscript

      Once you send in your book proposal or manuscript, all you have to do is be patient. It can take a long time to hear back from an agent. It is a good idea to send many agents your manuscript and proposal to increase your chances of getting published.

      Waiting for an answer is a painful part of this process. It is important to note that rejection is common. If your proposal is rejected, do not give up your dream of becoming an author. Persistence is key in getting your book published.

      Did You Know?

      Before Bloomsbury accepted it, twelve publishing houses rejected J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

      Edit Your Work With Professionals

      If your manuscript is accepted, be prepared to work with an editor or a team of editors. Editors will help polish and refine your book, ensuring it is an interesting read. Editors don’t just fix grammar or spelling mistakes but also help with the narrative and story structure of the book. It is important to be involved in the editing process and open to feedback. Editing is a fun process because you get to collaborate with professionals who can help make your work better.

      Understand the Publishing Contract

      If a publishing house is interested in your book and places an offer, review the contract carefully. If you are unaware of the legal jargon, seek help from a legal advisor who can help you understand those terms. Pay attention to the royalty rates, the marketing plan, and the contract length. If you think the compensation is unfair, negotiate the contract with the help of your agent to get a better deal. It would ensure you get a deal that aligns with your expectations and goals of the project.

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        Once you get your publishing contract, you might think how long does it take to get a book published? well, it can vary. For traditional publishing, it can take anywhere between nine months to two years to get a book published. Why so long? there are a few reason. First off, a book may need multiple rounds of editing before it can be published. Plus, publishing houses have a limited number of publicists dealing with a large volume of books at a time, which slows things down.

        Market Your Book

        The publishing house you sign with will likely have a marketing strategy in place to promote your book. This can include social media interaction, book signings, and more. You should promote your book on different social media platforms. Interact and engage with readers online to build your audience. Ask your friends and family to share the content you create.

        Read our blog to learn more about book marketing.  

        There You Are!

        Today, there are many ways you can get your book published. Good stories are not at the mercy of large publishing houses like they were before. You can share your story with the world even without a publishing deal. However, what the best way to get your book published depends on your book goals. Both self-publishing and traditional publishing demand resilience, patience, and hard work. Each comes with its wins and challenges. Don’t let the difficult times disappoint you. Pick the publishing method that aligns with your goals and start writing. Getting started is the first step to becoming a best-selling author!

        Frequently Asked Questions

        How do first time authors get published?

        First-time authors can either team up with a literary agent to publish traditionally or self-publish their book on Amazon KDP. Literary agents help by pitching the book to publishers, negotiating deals, and offering advice during the publishing journey.

        How much do authors make off their first book?

        A first-time author can expect an advance of $1000 to $10,000 and a 5% to 18% royalty cut from a publisher. Self-published authors get up to 70% royalty share on book sale but they do not receive any upfront payment.

        What is the easiest type of book to get published?

        Romance and young adult novels are the easiest and most profitable book genre to get published. According to data, in 2021 romance novels alone did $1.44 billion in sales globally.

        How many pages should a published book be?

        Book length varies according to genres but the consensus is that a book should be 200-350 pages. This is approximately 60,000 to 90,000 words.

        How to get a book published for free?

        The only way to get a book published for free is by traditional publishing. If you submit your manuscript to a traditional publisher and can manage to secure a book deal, the publisher will handle the publishing cost.

        How long does it take to write a book and get it published?

        If you are still working on your manuscript, it might take anywhere between two to three years to write and publish a book. This estimate includes time to complete, heavily edit, proofread, and then finally publish book. Keep in mind traditional publishing may take longer than self-publishing as it depends on the publishing house.

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