Publishing and Printing | 10 June 2024

How Much Does It Cost to Publish a Book in 2025?

portrait-smiling-young-afro-american-man Michael Adams

how much does it cost to publish a book
Are you wondering how much how much does it cost to publish a book? Well, there are many costs  associated with publishing a book, from editing to printing to marketing. Publishing a book can cost authors anywhere from $100-$20,000. Yes, that’s quite a large range!

The truth is the cost of book publishing varies depending on several factors. Book genre, the publishing route you take, the services you outsource, etc. all add up to a final price.

Understanding the individual costs can help you budget effectively and make informed decisions. If you want to know more about the money involved in book publishing, you’re in the right place.

In this blog post, we offer a detailed breakdown of the costs of publishing a book. So keep on reading!

Factors Determining Book Publishing Prices

According to the latest data, the average cost to publish a book by independent authors is $2,820 – $5,360. But you might end up spending less or more depending on the choices you make. Here are a few factors that contribute to book costs:

Self-publishing vs Traditional Publishing

Self publishing costs more upfront than traditionally publishing a book. From editing to book design and distribution, you pay for everything yourself. Whereas, if you can score a publishing deal from a large publishing house, you won’t have to pay anything upfront.

Self-publishing Traditional Publishing
❌ High upfront cost ✅ Low upfront cost
✅ Greater creative control ❌ No creative control
✅ More royalties ❌ Fewer royalties

The catch here is that landing a traditional publishing deal is incredibly hard. Even if you get one, traditional publishers offer significantly less royalties on book sales. With the self-publishing route, you get to keep most of the book royalties.

Here is a more in-depth article explaining the difference between self-publishing vs traditional publishing.

The Book Quality

If you outsource any part of the book production process, you will find that the money you pay correlates with the quality of work you get. Let’s say you will hire a freelance designer for your book cover. Designers who deliver incredible quality work will not take up a project for cheap.

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    Professionals will charge you more for their time and expertise in exchange for higher-quality work.

    They will charge you for their time and expertise more than a new or amateur designer would. This goes for every book-related service you decide to outsource. Higher quality work will cost you more.

    Book Publishing Cost by Genre

    Word counts and editing and illustration requirements vary according to genres. For this reason, book publishing costs also vary according to genre. Here’s a quick overview of publishing costs by genre:


    Book Publishing Costs

    Book Type Cost Reason
    Average Publishing Cost $2,000 – $4,000 Standard publishing rate for an average book.
    Non-fiction $3,000 – $5,000 Higher word count and more fact-checking/indexing.
    Fantasy/Science Fiction $3,000 – $5,000 Typically longer novels with detailed world-building.
    Historical Fiction $2,300 – $4,500 Requires extensive fact-checking and editing.
    Young Adult $1,700 – $3,500 Shorter length and no illustrations reduce costs.


    Cost to Publish a Book: What’s Involved?

    Publishing a book involves different steps, each with its own set of costs. Here are the key stages of publishing a book:

    Book Publishing Stages

    Stage Description
    Development Creating and refining content, including editing, proofreading, formatting, and cover design.
    Production Preparing the book for printing. Costs depend on print-on-demand (per unit) or offset printing (higher initial investment, lower per-unit cost).
    Distribution Making the book available for sale. Platforms may be free or charge fees/royalties (e.g., Amazon KDP deducts royalties).
    Marketing Promoting the book through online and offline channels. Costs vary based on goals, including website hosting, ads, and social media.

    If you take the indie publishing route, you will incur costs for all these stages. However, you get a higher percentage of book royalties and get to retain creative control of the book. With traditional publishing, you have zero upfront costs if you get picked up by a publisher. But getting a publishing deal is a long and draining process.

    Getting a traditional publishing deal is hard. J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter was rejected by 12 publishers.

    Most works get rejected by publishing houses and this is not because the book is bad. J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter was rejected by 12 publishing houses before it went on to become a bestselling series. Publishing houses often fail to see the potential of a good story but that doesn’t mean the story is not worth publishing. Besides, even if you get a publishing deal, you get a lower royalty percentage and lose most of the creative control of the book.

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      Writing Cost

      The cost of writing a book is hard to calculate because it varies from project to project. It depends upon the kind of writing assistance you need. You can write your book or hire a ghostwriter to do it for you. If you decide to write the book on your own, you will still need to purchase writing software and organization tools to help you organize your ideas and research.

      If you completely outsource the writing task, you will need to hire a ghostwriter. Ghostwriters can cost you anywhere from a few hundred dollars to $100K+. The cost will be affected by the book genre, word count, and number of rewrites and edits you ask for.

      If you don’t want to completely rely on someone else to write your project and want to take a hybrid approach between the two options, you can hire a writing coach. A writing coach will help you in writing and explaining your ideas. Writing coaches may charge you anywhere between a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars.

      Get in touch with expert ghostwriters and writing coaches at BookQuill. Call us now at: 1-833-587-7003 and write your book today.

      Editing Cost

      Editing is important to make sure the content is polished and free of errors. There are different types of editing your book goes through before the content is finalized. There is copyediting, developmental editing, and proofreading. Your manuscript may not need all of them, the cost of edit truly depends on the editing needs of the content.

      Here’s a brief overview of the different types of editing:

      Editing Stages and Costs

      Editing Stage Description Cost (240-Page Book)
      Developmental Editing In-depth structural editing to ensure logical flow and plot consistency. $2,000 – $2,500
      Copyediting Sentence-by-sentence edits for grammar, spelling, and smooth readability. Up to $2,000
      Proofreading Final check for typos, spelling, and minor errors before publishing. Up to $1,000


      An overall content edit (something most manuscripts need after a first draft) can cost you anywhere from $2,400 and $3,400. This amount assumes the cost for a round of developmental editing, as well as copyediting and proofreading for a 240-page or 60,000-word book.

      Cover Design Costs

      A cover is like the face of your book – it needs to catch people’s attention and give them an idea of what your story is about. Book covers may cost an average of $860.

      Cover design costs may be affected by the expertise of the designer, the complexity of the design, no. of revisions, etc.

      Cost of Book Identifiers

      Every book needs an identifier, like an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). This is a unique 13-digit code at the back of your book right above the barcode that helps identify your book in the world of publishing.

      ISBNs are essential for tracking and selling your book in various stores and libraries. They can cost up to $125.

      Book Printing Cost

      If you are self-publishing your book, you can either print on demand or print in bulk (offset printing). Printing costs depend on factors like the number of pages, the type of paper, and the printing method. To print on demand you will have to pay 20%-60% of the sale price per unit. On average this is $2-$5 for a 200-page book.

      Offset printing costs are hard to estimate as they depend upon the number of books you’re printing. For 5000 books, the average price is $3 per unit whereas for 10,000 books it is $2 per per unit.

      Cost of Marketing and Publicity

      While it’s an optional cost, investing in marketing can impact your book’s visibility and success in a crowded publishing landscape. The cost depends on your book marketing plan. It can be anywhere typically upwards of $0 – $10000.

      Publish your Book with BookQuill

      When you’re ready to put your million-dollar book idea or story out in the world, you can trust BookQuil to help develop, produce, distribute, and market it. From ghostwriting your book and designing its cover art to marketing it and making it into an audiobook, BookQuill can do it all.

      You don’t have to worry about scouting multiple platforms or websites to find professionals who can help with your book project. BookQuill is the one-stop solution to all your book publishing problems.

      From children’s books and young-adult romances to heartfelt memoirs and autobiographies that reflect your life experience, here at BookQuill we work on all book genres. Call us at 877-897-1725 to talk to our book experts today.

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        In Conclusion

        Publishing a book requires creativity, dedication, and financial commitment. It is a long and arduous process. By understanding the costs associated with each phase of the process, authors are empowered to make well-informed decisions that align with their goals and budget.

        The overall expense for publishing a book will vary from author to author and book genre to book genre. While you might not get the exact cost of publishing your book, this guide will give you a solid idea of what you are going to have to spend.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        How much does it cost to publish a book traditionally?

        Publishing a book traditionally does not cost anything. If you’re able to land a book deal, the publisher will pay for editing, printing, and publishing the book.

        How much does it cost to self publish a book?

        The cost of self-publishing a book typically ranges from $500 to $4800. The total expense varies based on the services you choose to outsource for producing the book.

        Is it expensive to publish a book?

        There are multiple ways to publish your book. Traditional publishing is free whereas with self-publishing you have to handle all the costs. If you print copies, self-publishing might be expensive however, if you choose to publish your book as an eBook you can publish it for free on Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo and other platforms.

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