Publishing and Printing | 05 December 2023

ePub vs MOBI: Which eBook Format Is Best For You?

portrait-smiling-young-afro-american-man Michael Adams




So, you have just wrapped up your latest masterpiece and are ready to move to the next stage – the publishing part. However, this brings up new challenges.

Especially, since the book publishing industry is no longer just about printing paperbacks or hardcovers. It now includes a wide range of digital file formats as well.

Thanks to the consistent evolution of the publishing industry over the past few years. Authors now have to consider different formats and find an eBook format template – that’s best for them.

This not only puts an instant professional spin on their published work. But from a reader’s perspective, it allows them to access the latest book release in a wide range of eBook formats on various platforms.

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    eBook formats: A Basic Overview

    eBooks or electronic books are digital books. These can easily be read on your PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and countless other devices.

    But it depends on the compatibility of your device with the chosen eBook format.

    Best eBook File Formats – Which Type is For You?

    Before jumping into the main MOBI vs ePub debate, let’s take a look at the different eBook formats. These are easily available and are ideal for publishing your books on the digital sphere.

    Let’s take a look at some of the best eBook formats used by the authors in the country:

    • The TXT (.txt) Format

    Text files are one of the simplest eBook file formats used in the industry. Since, these primarily are text-based, they dont support any other visual or audio elements. Such as images or graphs, digital rights management (DRM) protection, or interactivity of any kind.

    That’s why, TXT files are perfect for text-heavy eBooks. Like research papers or reports, for instance. The TXT file uses the (.txt) file extension to store data. It usually comprises of basic fonts, since the layout is basic and simple.

    • The PDF (.pdf) Format

    Another popular eBook format that most people are generally familiar with is the portable document format or PDF (.pdf). This eBook format is not reflowable and offers a layout design to the author.

    Hence, it is not just ideal for text-heavy books but can also incorporate several different kinds of elements as well. Such as images, illustrations, graphs, etc. to name a few.

    Popular eBook Formats – Best For Publishing

    Two of the most popular eBook formats used within the industry are ePub and MOBI. And for good reason too!

    • The EPUB (.epub) Format

    Electronic publication or EPUB (.epub) is the standard format for eBooks. It is also one of the most popular eBook formats used within the world of digital publishing.

    This is a free and open-source system. Meaning that its used by retailers everywhere within the US and even across the globe.

    e-Readers that most commonly use the epub format include Nook, iBook, Kobo, and Google along with several others. Authors are encouraged to use this format for all their publishing requirements and is usually preferred for eBook stores.

    Many use this eBook format, when they want the Electronic Advance Reader Copy (eARC) version. The good news is that epub files can be read on any eBook reader device, making it optimally accessible.

    Most eBook retailers use this format to ensure that the book is neatly aligned and structured well, ready for any platform. This means that ePub files can easily be opened on various devices.

    Furthermore, both CSS and HTML can be used in epub, unlike other formats. However, designers can amend and revise simple elements like font size or style, so that it looks like real paperbacks on the web.

    • The MOBI (.mobi) Format (Now Known As AZW File Format)

    The MOBI (.mobi) format is another kindle ebook format that gained immense popularity in the past.

    Initially supported by Amazon, it was also known as a Mobipocket eBook file that supported files for the Kindle device. However, back in 2011, Amazon decided to discontinue the use of the MOBI (.mobi) format.

    It has since then upgraded and is now read as AZW format. Though the use of MOBI files have been reduced much, many Kindle devices still use a MOBI file structure.

    The only difference that today DRM protection is different and AZW file extensions are used instead.  Moreover, you will see these formats being used, especially if you use Kindle or other electronic devices that use low bandwidth.

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      Factors to Help You Choose the Right eBook Format Template

      Authors may not give much importance to the final format selected for their work. But it does affect the performance of their eBook.

      Here, we gathered a few pointers that authors can use to select the correct ebook format template for the next book project:

      • Your Target Consumer

      Knowing and understanding your target audience is essential when you reach the publishing stage. Are you aiming for younger, more tech-savvy reader or the older ones?

      The eBook format that you select can also be determined by the genre of your book. For instance, non-fiction books are either accessible in paperback or digital format.

      While most fiction books are available in a variety of formats for readers. Keep this factor in check and you are good to go!

      • Your eBook Marketing Strategies

      Once you are sure about your target audience, next decide marketing strategies. It is at this stage when many authors decide to take the self-publishing route.

      It is here that an author’s selection of eBook file format come in handy. Self-publishing authors can do this with Amazon. Thus opening a plethora of resources for them.

      Whereas with self-publishing, the book needs to be compatible with several different platforms to access wider audiences.

      That’s why, eBook formats are so crucial.

      Hence, such flexibility means that the digital books will be available to a large number of people, who can comfortably access the author’s latest release – without any hassle.

      • The Nature of Your eBook Format Template

      The format of your eBook is one of the most crucial factors. Since it cannot just be decided in a vacuum, you need to select a format that supports the nature of your book content.

      For this reason, most writers opt for the EPUB format because it supports a variety of interactive elements. For instance, eBook types such as graphic novel, comic book, or a memorabilia are mostly made of images, illustrations

      However, sometimes they even involve audios and videos. That’s why thorough research on the various kinds of eBook formats is required.

      • The Budget of Your Book Project

      Another factor that cannot be ignored is the price point of your chosen eBook format. Authors should thoroughly research on this before they move to publishing.

      It becomes even more crucial if you are thinking about self-publishing your book. That’s why, it is better to choose an eBook format template that’s compatible while being cost-effective as well.

      A terrific example is that of BookQuill that offers a premium book printing service and Amazon book publishing service as well, to bring your creative vision to life!

      Ask for samples if you have enlisted help from the experts in the field.

      • The Privacy & Security of Your eBook

      Privacy and security are often not given much thought but these are just as important.

      With an epub format, digital signatures, encryption, and DRM solutions are incorporated. Thus, the eBook is protected while still being accessible for various reading devices.

      On the other hand, security in the mobi format is present via content encryption and an easily be synchronized across various devices.

      Which Format to Use – ePub or MOBI?

      Wrapping it up, once your eBook is complete, the next thing that you probably want to do is get it published. You probably have done enough Google searches but still havent been able to find an answer.

      Don’t worry, we will walk you through it. While there are countless options for eBook formats, chances are you may end up using ePub for obvious reasons.

      One, it is quite easy to use and two, it is among the best ebook format for kindle that’s widely used within the industry today! But is it the right choice for you? It ultimately depends on your content, usage, and audience.

      Once you have chosen an appropriate eBook format, you are ready to enter the next phase of your book journey – the marketing side of it! While that’s another topic for another article, don’t let that overwhelm you.

      Connect with the folks at BookQuill and let us guide you with options for finding the best format to create an ebook just for you!

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        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

        Q. What is the best format to sell ebooks?
        EPUB format is widely accepted by major retailers everywhere in the U.S. This includes Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing as well, which let go of its proprietary mobi format, back in 2022.

        Q. Which is better – PDF, EPUB, or MOBI?
        EPUB file formats are most recommended for eBooks, even by Amazon itself. This applies even if the author has planned to distribute it on the Amazon marketplace.

        Q. Is epub a cost-effective option to get published?
        Yes, epub is great. It flourishes because its free, open standard, and is vendor-free. Thus making it indefinitely cost-effective while supporting several interactive components.

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