Writing and Storytelling | 17 January 2024

Everything You Need to Know About Book Templates

portrait-smiling-young-afro-american-man Michael Adams




For an aspiring author, the realm of book writing can often seem confusing. Especially when one is stuck with a writing block. Some writers (and even well-established authors) are downright mortified for even getting stuck in a writing rut!

They worry that it does not reflect well on their talent or their art. But it doesn’t have to be this way. For it can happen to the best of us. Let’s find out how writers and authors can avoid such a situation.

I. Creative Juices Waning? Here’s What You Need to Do

Many writers now turn to online story generators to crank start-start their writing engine. And churn out a good piece in the process. While others take the old-fashioned route and use templates when they find their creative juices dwindling (even a bit).

Though there is no one-shoe-size-fits-all kind of a situation, the writing craft can be personalized exactly the way one likes. All writers have the freedom to figure out – what works for them and what doesn’t work for them. That’s it.

So, whether one favors AI tools or wants to use a different approach to deal with the occasional writing block – we have some pretty helpful tips that you can utilize right away!

II. Should You  ”USE”  Writing Templates For Your Book?

While book cover design templates are far more common than the book writing ones, this is a common query that a writer is asked. Though many disregard using it because they are generic and often considered wasteful (they are even discouraged by writing coaches!)

Writers often resort to templates for writing a book. And there is usually a good reason for it. Either, they are writing a full-fledged book for the first time and the word count overwhelms them. Or they are going through a bad writing day and feel stuck.

Hence, a free book template could just be the thing to help them out with their creative jam. And feel that such book templates offer convenience to the writer. However, book writing templates if used too much, can drastically affect creativity in the long run – that’s not always the case.



III. Understand the Various Kinds of Book Templates

If you google book templates, you will notice two different kinds pop up in the search results:

  • Plot/manuscript templates
  • Layout/page design templates

The first kind comprise of the outline of your story. Freytag’s plot pyramid is a well-known example. Shaped like a pyramid, it has the following elements:

  • Exposition
  • Prompting incidents that lead to action
  • Increasing action
  • Climax
  • Falling action
  • Resolution
  • Outcome (or denouement)

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    This other kind of template is the page layout template or (indesign book template). This one is used to show how the manuscript will eventually look on the page. It includes:

    • Various format styles for different sections of the book

    For example, book cover page is different than the page design of the main text inside. Just like the blurb at the back of the book is different from the cover design. However, book design templates are common for they can translate the visual personality of your text in comparison to the plot/manuscript one, which is usually discouraged.

    IV. Why You  ”Should Not”  Use Pre-Designed Book Templates


    book cover templates


    Pre-designed book templates may hold allure to simplify your writing process – but its not as simple. This applies to all the different kinds available today, even the free book cover templates, sometimes!

    Here are just some of the disadvantages that writers face when they utilize book writing templates for their craft:

    • Drawback #1: Produces A Cookie-Cutter Piece

    Every writer has their own distinctive voice and unique creative vision that helps them stands out from the crowd. Something that can rarely be captured when writers use templates. That’s because such book writing templates may give the illusion that they are able to capture your ”true essence” in the book project – but comes with a major pitfall.

    When a writer uses free templates for writing a book, it gives them a false idea of convenience. Not only does it end up producing a generic product but eventually the writer feels that their creativity is stifled and originality, restricted.

    The end result – a disappointing cookie-cutter product. One that totally fails to capture the author’s punch and eloquence, producing just another typical piece of text!

    • Drawback #2: Rigid & Inflexible Form & Structure

    Most writing templates are inflexible when it comes to form and structure. This also includes the free book formatting templates. Since these dictate content placement in general, they ultimately give a bland taste that bores the average reader.

    Novels that follow such patterns come across as formulaic, rigid, and downright tedious to the target reader. The end result is that no one wants to read a book that lacks zest and is dreary to the core!

    These pre-designed book templates may serve a structure that becomes the skeleton of your text – maing it highly necessary for any written piece of content. But using pre-designed book templates often makes it devoid of the writer’s true personality, quirks and character, resulting in a book that’s mediocre and doesn’t engage the audience.

    • Drawback #3: Bland Text That Lacks Authenticity

    Another disadvantage that comes with book templates is their lack of authenticity. If used occasionally, these are fine. But what if a writer becomes dependent on such book templates? Eventually, their good old authentic voice gets replaced with monotonous text, to say the least!

    Take a look at some memorable books like Pride & Prejudice, Harry Potter (series), Moby Dick, and The Lord of the Rings to name a few. Each of them is known for their unique, distinctive style that follows its own rhythm that resonates with the reader.

    • Drawback #4: Creative Constraints Seen in Page Design

    Design is not a primary facet of any written book but it has a different effect on the reader. That’s why, book design templates used for the front or back cover, can constrain the designer’s creativity. Templates such as the InDesign book templates, are rigid in form.

    However, these are quite useful if you are new to design and are hesitant to flout the rules. But if you have been in the field for long, such templates can limit creative design potential – despite the artistic improvisation in the process.

    • Drawback #5: Experience Limit on the Learning Curve

    Although, using a template for your book may look like a quick fix for your issues, it doesn’t always work this way. The newer lot o writers are not encouraged to use pre-designed book templates. That’s because these will not be able to incorporate a writer’s personalized touch to every written piece of theirs.

    Even hinder a person’s unique writing style in the process! However, such book templates can prove to be useful. Especially, if you want to venture on the path of self-publishing. That’s when book design templates or book writing templates prove to be quite useful.

    In this case, heavy design software to will customize work for you, getting the job done, much early than expected!

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      V. Here’s What You  ”Can Use”  Instead of Book Templates

      Want a better and customized approach – one that helps you write your book within a short time? Here’s another list that will help figure out what you can use instead of the standard book template:

      • Option #1: Create Outlines For Every Writing Phase

      This is one piece of advice that should not be ignored, especially if you prefer to dive straight into your piece. If book templates seem rigid or tedious, explore alternatives like book outlines. These can further be divided into multiple sub-sections, such as chapter outlines, scene to scene outlines, etc.

      Our advice: no matter which stage you are at, always outline before you start to write. An outline helps the writer to map out all the different points of their storyline – both important and insignificant.

      Thus, organizing thoughts and ideas to save a lot of time and energy. The best part is that these outlines are quite flexible, keeping the USP, intact. Furthermore, these don’t even hinder creativity, providing both vision and direction to your thought processes.

      • Option #2: Choose A Professional Writing Program

      Instead of the typical book templates, why not invest in a professional writing software? Most programs today offer a diverse range of features. If you are thinking of getting one then opt for a software program with multiple customization features. Examples include: MS Word, Scrivener, or Ulysses. Their variety in customization options makes them simply perfect for any writer as they truly help to bring out the writer’s personality in their work.

      While providing a versatile framework o work with. Thus, giving a firm structure and freedom for the writer to experiment – while still following rules. Further, allowing writers to personalize their writing environments online. Thus, combining thought organization with creative flexibility.

      • Option #3: Go For Personalized Writing & Editing Services

      Do you find the whole editing process to be tedious? If so, we suggest that you hire professional editing services for all your book content. This kind of a highly viable service has professionals, who are experts of their respective fields. What better example than BookQuill’s very own book editing service that takes good care of all your editing needs.

      What’s more, they get the job done within a short time while offering personalized service-related advice as well. Thus, proving that they are at par with the standards set within the writing and publishing industry. While also being able to flaunt the writer’s quintessential expression and creativity, keeping the unique quotient high.

      • Option #4: Write Within Style Guidelines

      If you want your writing to flow freely without any restriction but still want a semblance of structure, use a style guide. The one advantage that comes with using style guides is that it’s the perfect hands-on approach. Because it does not only serve as the effective alternative for structure and organization.

      It allows writers and authors to experiment with their style and creativity while following writing rules to the tee.

      • Option #5: Use Online Collaborative Writing Tools

      Writing is not always a solitary endeavor. You may have noticed that a book may often have a number of authors contributing to it. In that case, getting the entire team in one place may not always be possible. That’s where these collaborative writing tools come in handy.

      So, if you have several different writers all working on one document – writing, editing, formatting, and commenting – you need to make sure that you use the right app. Because this can quickly get both confusing and messy if the right app isn’t used.

      That’s why always use an app that has smart collaboration tools – one that most people on your team are familiar with. This way everybody would be on the same page and it would be easier to guide others.

      On A Final Note,

      Now that the drawbacks of book templates are apparent, it’s crucial to explore alternative approaches that empower authors without compromising creativity and individuality. Book templates are great when you are indulging in visual design because you can improvise. But the same cannot be said for a plot/manuscript template.

      These maybe great if you are stuck in a rut. But not so great when it comes to producing original content that contains the writer’s true essence, personality, and style. However, it also varies from writer to writer. And so what may apply on one writer, may not be for another.

      So, if one believes that their manuscript can get a little help from a book template, then so be it! In that case, let these templates prove to be a fuel for you when your car comes to stop in the middle of your writing journey. Follow the writing rule that most stick by – do what works for you. And you are good to go!

      Want your book journey to begin – without using any shortcuts like book templates ? Schedule a consultation with BookQuill and get your writing journey started!

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

      Q. What are two kinds of book templates?
      A book template are of two kinds: one that provides a layout for your plot and the other for your design.

      Q. Is there a template for writing a book?
      Yes, many templates are available for writing a book, ranging from simple outlines to detailed pre-formatted documents. These templates can help structure your chapters, format your text, and ensure consistency in style. You can find templates in word processors like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, or through writing software like Scrivener or Reedsy.

      Q. Are book writing templates useful?
      Book writing templates are usually discouraged, for these can inhibit creativity in a writer.

      Q. Does BookQuill offer book design templates?
      No need of design templates when BookQuill offers a terrific range of services. Like its book design service for instance.

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