Book Marketing | 26 April 2024

How To Write A Book Press Release (Step-by-Step)

portrait-smiling-young-afro-american-man Michael Adams


Imagine this: you’ve spent countless sleepless nights writing and editing your book, and it’s finally getting published. While the publishing process is undoubtedly exciting, it’s not the end of your job.

Every book needs a solid marketing plan to ensure a successful release. This is where book press releases come in. If you’re unsure how to write a press release for a book, we can help you!

Think of a book press release as a book announcement. It grabs attention and sparks interest in your work by informing the press, media outlets, and readers that your book is coming out. If executed properly, a press release can significantly boost your marketing efforts.

Writing a press release isn’t overly difficult, but it’s crucial to get it right to make a strong first impression. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of writing a book press release:

Why Do Authors Need a Press Release?


A press release serves as a formal book announcement intended to generate buzz and attract media attention. With luck, it could lead to interviews, speaking engagements, or mentions in notable magazines, newspapers, or blogs. Consider it a free marketing tool that authors can use to introduce their work to the world professionally.

A press release is a free marketing tool that authors can use to introduce their work to the world professionally.

Press releases are primarily targeted at influential figures within the industry, such as journalists, newspaper publications, editors, and publishers, rather than directly at readers. If your press release can capture their attention, you can leverage their influence and audience to amplify the reach of your book.

You might be questioning the necessity of a press release, given the availability of free tools like social media and online forums that help engage directly with readers. While digital media interaction is undoubtedly important, crafting a press release can garner support from key industry players, which can significantly benefit your book.

What Should a Book Press Release Include?

A press release for new book shouldn’t just describe it; it should make people excited to read the book. A press release gives an overview of what your book is about, why people should read it, and provides basic selling and distribution information (i.e. publication date, title and author name, where to buy, etc.).

Attention is currency. To be impactful, your press release needs to be attention-grabbing.

In today’s world, attention is everything. Your press release will not make a difference if it is unable to grab attention and intrigue people. Take time to think about a unique selling proposition for your book. What makes it stand out? Use that aspect as a hook. It could be anything: a trending book topic or genre, relevance to the political landscape, an award-winning author, and more.

journalists showing different news formats

Press releases do follow a standard format (discussed below). Journalists and editors are busy folks with little time to spare, so clarity and organization are key. Keep your writing straightforward and easy to understand.

Avoid clichés and exaggerated language unless you’re quoting a review or quote from a notable person. By keeping the press release simple and to the point, you increase your chance of grabbing attention and making a lasting impression.

How to Write a Book Press Release

Whether you’re writing press releases for a book tour or simply an author press release, aim to make it interesting. Typically, book press releases span between 300-500 words and ideally fit onto a single page. Here’s a guide on how to write a book press release:

1- Find a Newsworthy Angle

You may not like to hear this, but your book isn’t newsworthy on its own. At least not to the big publications. Think about it, there are nearly 2 million books published a year. Only a few are notable enough to get media exposure. So how do you get your book noticed?

Sadly, media exposure is often less about the book and more about what makes it unique. Is there any aspect of the book that makes it unique or newsworthy? Find an angle that makes your book stand out and worthy of attention. This could be:

Famous testimonial:

Is your book endorsed by a famous person? Is a movie star, celebrity, or subject matter expert talking about it? Have you gotten a quote or testimonial from a popular person? News outlets pay attention to what famous people are saying and endorsing. If that happens to be your book, use it to your benefit.

Social Media Trend:

Does your book address a current social media trend or phenomenon? The more relevant and popular the topic is to pop culture, the more attention-grabbing your book can be to the audience.

Current event:

Does your book talk about anything that is in the news? It could be related to politics, economy, society, arts, or entertainment. Are you offering new data? A new insight? Talk about how your book adds value to the topic.

Unique Story:

If your book has a gripping plot or an angle that isn’t widely covered in literature, emphasize it in the press release. If the book talks about your life story and you have a unique experience to share, you can use it to grab attention.

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    2- Write the Book Press Release

    Press releases are written in the third person. They are not meant to be an advertisement for your book but rather a news announcement. Journalists and publishers often use press releases as the basis of their reporting. They might even quote the press release directly, so make sure it is properly written and formatted.

    Here is a sample press release outline you can follow:


    This is the attention-grabbing hook you need to perfect. Keep it short and snappy. Not more than 20 words. It should summarize your book and create intrigue


    This is a supplemental sentence to your heading. It expands on your hook and gives the reader a reason to keep reading. Provide a brief additional detail about your book that piques the reader’s interest.


    List down your city, state, and date of the press release to provide context. The dateline is written in brackets before the opening paragraph of the press release.


    Start your introduction with a compelling sentence. It can be a question, a statement, or a quote that grabs attention. Then get to your book. A captivating intro paragraph that introduces the book well sets the tone for the rest of the release.


    Add a compelling quote to add credibility and intrigue to your press release. This could be your own or from a noteworthy endorsement. Make sure the quote is special and has some weight to it. It could be funny, controversial, or interesting.

    Author Bio:

    The author bio also known as the Boilerplate is a brief introduction to you. Unless you are a well-known author like Stephen King or John Grisham, people won’t know who you are. You need to tell them. Add your brief introduction with any achievements and relevant credentials. You can also mention your website or previous work. Keep it under 100 words.

    Book Info:

    This section includes the key details about the book. Add your book’s title, genre, release date, format, ISBN, and a brief description of the book. This is your section to shine. You have the reader’s attention, make sure this press release is worth reading. Address your reader’s pain points and explain how the book solves their problems. Pitch your book’s USP and why it is the perfect read for your audience. Consider your book info section as an elevator pitch without sounding too overly sale-sy.

    Contact Details:

    Include your contact information for any media inquiries, such as your email address, active social media handles, and phone number.

    Call to Action:

    Conclude your press release with a clear call to action. What do you want the reader to do after they read the press release? Do you want them to invite you for an interview? Write about your book on their blog or do you want them to attend a promotional event you are organizing? Be clear with your call to action.

    3- Proofread and Edit

    Once you are done writing your press release, edit and proofread it. It is imperative to make sure your press release appears professional and presents accurate information. Check for grammar, spelling, clarity, and readability.

    4- Distribute the Press Release

    Once finalized, it is time to distribute your press release to targeted media outlets, journalists, bloggers, and influencers. Now, you can do it yourself but it’s better to hire a distribution service. Such services have a wide audience and will reach out to their network of media outlets and key industry players on your behalf. This is better and more advantageous than distributing the press releaser yourself.

    When And Where Should I Send The Press Release?

    When planning your book press release, timing is crucial. It’s best to send it to media outlets 5 to 7 days before you want it to go live. Typically the turnaround time for larger organizations is a little longer which is you should them the PR a bit in advance. For smaller newspapers, websites, and publications, a shorter notice might suffice.

    Old newspaper
    A press release is an integral part of your book’s marketing campaign so carefully plan out the details. If your book ties into a timely event or newsworthy topic, adjust the timing of the press release. By syncing your press release with relevant and newsworthy events, you can maximize its impact and reach.

    In addition, it is important to personalize your press release distribution to your book’s target audience. If your book aligns with the mission of local businesses or nonprofits, send them a copy with the press release. If your work is fiction, poetry, or even memoir reach out to literary magazines that cover the genre.

    Social media apps on smart phone
    Another great marketing tactic is to approach relevant influencers and bloggers for reviews. You can send them a copy of your book with the press release. By targeting media outlets that are close and relevant to your audience, you can increase the likelihood of generating interest in your book and securing media coverage.

    How to Write a Book Press Release: Book Press Release Example

    Now that you understand how to write a press release for a book, lets take a look at some book press release examples:

    1- Simon & Schuster Book Press Release

    Simon & Schuster book press release

    This is how a professional book press release looks like. While the format may vary slightly, the key elements we explained in the previous section are all there. Here are a few things that stood out to us in this book press release example:

    • It is clear, concise and hooks the reader from the first sentence!
    • Social Proof! It discusses testimonials and praises the author’s writing has received previously from the Washington Post and ex-president Barack Obama to build intrigue for her upcoming work.
    • The compelling summary! It discusses what the book it about without giving too much away.

    2- HarperCollins Book Press Release

    HarperCollins book press release

    Here are some things that we loved about this HarperCollins book press release:

    • Newsworthy angle! Pope Francis is discussing his life story from childhood to the present day for the first time ever!
    • Thoughtful quote from the Pope about what his book is about and a quote from the president and CEO of HarperCollins, reiterating what a big deal the book is for their publishing house.

    Final Word

    The literary world is competitive. Millions of books are published every year and it is difficult to get yours to stand out. A well-written book press release can help with that. By writing an engaging press release you can generate buzz, garner media coverage, and help gain recognition for your upcoming book.

    Use the press release writing tips we discussed to perfect your press release and shine a spotlight on your book. With a thoughtful and engaging book press release, you will surely leave a lasting impression on industry insiders and readers.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do you announce a new book release?

    A book press release is a great way to let your readers, the media, and industry key players know that you are coming out with a book. You can also announce your book via a newsletter, your website, or social media.

    What’s a press release for a book?

    A book press release is a formal announcement (usually a single page document) that is sent to media organizations and forums to let people know that you are coming out with a book.

    How do I write a press release for my book?

    A book press release should include a catchy headline, a brief introduction that covers the key details (who, what, when, where, why), a summary of the book’s key selling points, and a short author bio. Additionally, include a call to action with purchasing information and your contact details for media inquiries. Keep the release clear, professional, and to the point to grab attention.

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