Audiobooks | 20 June 2024

10 Best Self Help Audiobooks on Audible

portrait-smiling-young-afro-american-man Michael Adams


Self-improvement is a long and arduous journey, and we could all use a boost of inspiration now and then. What better way than to receive advice from world-leading experts and authors directly into your headphones?

Whether you are trying to improve productivity, understand personal finance, or learn how to be physically fitter, a good self-help audiobook can provide that extra push of motivation you’re looking for during the day.

When it comes to audiobooks, one name outshines all other services – Audible. Audible is the world’s most popular audiobook platform, holding a 63.4% market share in the US audiobook publishing market. The platform features books of all genres, including a wide range of self-help books.

In this article, we discuss some of the best self-help audiobooks on Audible. Let’s get into it!

Best Self Help Audiobooks on Audible

Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

audiobook cover of Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

Author: Jay Shetty

Narrated by: Jay Shetty

Is your life riddled with negativity, stress, and anxiety? Are you in search of practical advice that can help you lead a more meaningful life? If yes, Jay Shetty’s Think Like a Monk is a terrific book for you.

In his audiobook, Shetty inspires listeners with sage advice deeply rooted in ancient holistic wisdom and his time spent as a monk in an ashram. Drawing from his rich life experiences, he distills insights that can help make life simpler and better.

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    While sharing wisdom, Shetty introduces practical tips and short exercises for listeners to follow that can lead them to find peace and purpose within themselves.

    Shetty’s ideology is that by living like a monk (being undeterred by life’s failures and successes) you can enhance the quality of your life.

    The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*CK by Mark Manson

    audiobook cover of book by Mark Manson

    Author: Mark Manson

    Narrated by: Roger Wayne

    Published in 2016, this self-help book first grabbed attention because of its title, which was honest, humorous, and highly controversial at the time. But if you looked beyond the intrigue-inducing title, you would find the book to be a refreshing change from your standard self-help book that is filled with false positivity and unrealistic advice.

    In his book, instead of focusing on relentless positivity, Manson argues that life’s struggles give it meaning and encourage readers to focus on what truly matters to them. He challenges the notion that we need to be positive all the time and suggests that we should instead accept the inevitable difficulties life throws at us.

    The book is witty, humorous, and candid much like Manson’s blog posts that gave him the idea for the book. For anyone looking to get into audiobooks for self-improvement, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*CK is a decent start.

    Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life by Beth Kempton


    Author: Beth Kempton

    Narrated by: Beth Kempton

    This book explores the ancient Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, which means finding beauty in imperfection and transience. Kempton in her book explains how this concept can be applied to our modern lives, encouraging listeners to embrace their flaws and appreciate the imperfections in beauty around them.

    The book provides practical advice on how to live mindfully and authentically and offers insights on finding contentment by letting go of the search for perfection. Kempton combines personal anecdotes with cultural insights to make the philosophy easier to understand and more relevant.

    She discusses how wabi-sabi can influence various aspects of life, from home decor to personal relationships, and how adopting this mindset can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling existence. This book is perfect for those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

    The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

    Author: Charles Duhigg

    Narrated by: Mike Chamberlain

    Released: 2012

    The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg is about the science behind why habits form and how they can be changed. Duhigg uses a wide range of scientific studies and real-world examples to explain the neurological processes that create habits and the ways they influence our lives.

    The book introduces listeners to the concept of the habit loop. A habit loop consists of a cue, a routine, and a reward and understanding this loop can help us transform bad habits into good ones. Duhigg illustrates all his ideas and points with real-life stories of individuals and organizations that have successfully implemented habit changes to increase performance and productivity.

    The Power of Habit provides actionable insights for anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. The key to building good habits is understanding how habits work, and with this understanding, listeners can take control of their behaviors and achieve lasting improvements in their personal and professional lives.

    The 5-Second Rule by Mel Robbins

    audiobook cover for the 5 second rule

    Author: Mel Robbins

    Narrated by: Mel Robbins

    The 5-Second Rule by Mel Robbins is about overcoming procrastination and hesitation. Robbins explains that by counting down from five to one and then taking immediate action, we can interrupt our brain’s automatic patterns and push ourselves to act on our instincts and goals.

    The book combines neuroscience, habit formation, and Robbins’ personal experiences to explain how the 5-second rule can be applied to various aspects of life, from improving productivity and overcoming fear to enhancing relationships and boosting confidence.

    Robbins shares numerous testimonials and success stories from people who have transformed their lives using the 5-second rule.

    This book is a motivational guide that empowers readers to take control of their lives, break free from inaction, and make meaningful changes. It is perfect for anyone looking to overcome mental barriers and achieve their goals with a simple and effective strategy.

    The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

    Book cover of the book by Rhonda Byrne

    Author: Rhonda Byrne

    Narrated by: Rhonda Byrne

    The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is one of the most popular self help books of all time. It is about the law of attraction and discusses how positive or negative thoughts affect a person’s life experiences.

    Byrne reveals how thoughts are powerful magnets that can attract events and circumstances, suggesting that we can shape our reality through our mindset.

    The book has insights from many philosophers, spiritual leaders, and motivational speakers, who share their perspectives on how to harness this power.

    The Secret doesn’t just talk about the philosophy of attraction but also offers practical techniques for visualizing your goals, expressing gratitude, and maintaining a positive outlook to attract wealth, health, and happiness.

    This book aims to empower listeners by showing them how to use the law of attraction to manifest a more fulfilling life.

    Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

    audiobook cover of rich dad poor dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

    Author: Robert T. Kiyosaki

    Narrated by: Tim Wheeler

    Rich Dad Poor Dad is one of the most unconventional self-help books you will ever come across. It doesn’t talk about finances in the way most self-help books do but rather discusses it through the lens of the author’s experiences with two father figures: his biological father (the poor dad) and his best friend’s father (the rich dad).

    The book draws a comparison between the two financial philosophies and life lessons imparted by these two men and highlights the different approaches to money, investment, and career.

    In his book, Kiyosaki’s ‘Rich Dad’ emphasizes the importance of financial literacy, investing in assets, and understanding how money works to achieve financial independence. On the other hand, the ‘poor dad’ adheres to traditional beliefs about hard work, job security, and saving money.

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      Through engaging anecdotes and practical advice, Kiyosaki uses engaging anecdotes and practical advice to explain how adopting the mindset of his “rich dad” can lead to financial success.

      Rich Dad Poor Dad is an excellent audiobook as it challenges conventional wisdom about money and education, encouraging listeners to pursue financial education and think differently about wealth creation.

      How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

      audiobook cover of how to win friends and influence people

      Author: Dale Carnegie

      Narrated by: Dale Carnegie

      How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie was first published in 1936. You may wonder if a book that was published over 8 decades ago is still relevant, but the truth is that it is!

      In every sphere of life communication and relationships are two of the most important skills and How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a timeless guide to acing these skills. The book offers practical advice on how to make people like you and win them over with your way of thinking.

      Carnegie discusses principles, such as showing genuine interest in others, listening actively, and offering sincere appreciation, and explains them with engaging anecdotes and real-life examples. This classic is essential for anyone looking to improve their interpersonal skills and leadership abilities.

      Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

      Audiobook cover of outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

      Author: Malcolm Gladwell

      Narrated by: Malcolm Gladwell

      Do you wonder what makes people successful? Do you ask yourself what it would take to become successful? If so, this audiobook is perfect for you! Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell explores the factors that contribute to high levels of success.

      In his book, Gladwell argues that while talent and hard work are important, other factors such as timing, cultural background, and unique opportunities can play a significant role. He examines the lives of outliers—extraordinarily successful people like Bill Gates and The Beatles—to highlight how their environments and timing influenced their achievements.

      The book introduces concepts like the ‘10,000-hour rule,’ which suggests that achieving mastery in any field requires around 10,000 hours of practice. Outliers challenges the notion of the self-made individual and offers a deeper understanding of the complexities of success.

      Atomic Habits by James Clear

      Audiobook cover of Atomic Habits by James Clear

      Author:: James Clear

      Narrated by: James Clear

      How important are habits in self-improvement? What impact does small change make anyway? If you have been wondering this, Atomic Habits is a great audiobook for you to listen to. In the book, Clear dives deep into the mechanics of habits and behavior change. He introduces the concept that atomic habits or tiny changes are the compound interest of self-improvement — they accumulate over time and lead to significant changes in our lives.

      The book is structured around four key principles: cue, craving, response, and reward. Clear breaks down each principle and discusses how they work together to form habits. He also explains how understanding them can help us break old habits and establish new ones effectively.

      Through engaging stories, scientific research, and actionable advice, Atomic Habits provides listeners with a clear roadmap to build good habits, eliminate destructive ones, and achieve their goals with lasting success.

      How to Get Free Self Help Audio Books on Audible?

      If you’re not sure whether you want to buy a subscription yet and want to test out the service, you can take advantage of Audible’s free trial period. Audible offers a 30-day free trial for new users. Within this trial period, you get access to a library of audiobooks including some amazing self help titles as well. After the trial ends, you can subscribe to an Audible plan to continue to access Audible’s library.

      Here’s what Audible’s paid plans offer:

      Audible Plus Audible Premium Plus

      *After a 30-day trial

      Unlimited access to the Audible library including Audiobooks, Originals, Sleep tracks,  Meditation programs, etc.

      *After a 20-day trial

      Everything that is included in Audible Plus and 1 audiobook per month. (yours to keep) from an extended library of bestsellers.

      In Conclusion

      Audible has a host of credible audiobooks that you can listen to and enjoy. These 12 self-help audiobooks on Audible are some of the best from their self help genre and offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration to help your self-improvement journey.

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      How Much Is Audible Per Month?

      Audible offers two plans. The Audible Plus plan starts at $7.95/mo. and gives you access to a library of audiobooks (but you don’t get to keep them) for the month. The Audible Premium Plus plan gives you everything in the Audible Plus plan plus 1 credit every month for one audiobook that is yours to keep.

      Can I Listen to Audible Books Offline?

      Yes, Audible allows you to download audiobooks to your device, so you can listen to them offline at your convenience. To be able to download and access audiobooks offline, you need to either purchase the audiobook or have an Audible monthly subscription.

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